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QR Challenge: Roman Trivia

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. The son of Procas, he forced Rhea Silvia to become a vestal virgin and dethroned his brother. Name this king of Alba Longa who ordered the death of the twins Romulus and Remus.Amulius
2. On what hill did Faustulus and Acca Laurentia find the twins Romulus and Remus?Palatine
3. Into what god is Romulus said to have changed?Quirinius
4. Said to be the strongest creatures of all the Titans, name these Greek monsters whose Latinized name is “Centimani”Hecatoncheires
5. How many Hecatoncheires were there according to the ancient sources?3
6. Designed for men of senatorial rank and a mixture of military and political administration posts, what sequential order of Roman public offices literally translates into “course of honors”?Cursus Honorum
7. What Roman office had the power to enforce public order and was responsible for maintaining public buildings?Aedile
8. What famous Roman author and orator held the position of Consul in 63 BCE?Marcus Tullius Cicero
9. Name this young maiden who was of such extraordinary beauty that Aphrodite herself became jealous of her. The goddess sent her son Eros to make her fall in love with an ugly man, but instead, he fell in love with her himself!Psyche
10. How was Psyche caught trying to determine the identity of her beloved?Oil/Wax burned him
11. Name the Roman province which is equivalent to modern France.Gaul
12. Name the mountain range that divides Gaul from Hispania.Pyrenees
13. My brothers are Polynices and Eteocles and my parents are Jocasta and Oedipus. I was punished for giving my brother a proper burial. Who am I?Antigone
14. Who was Antigone’s sister?Ismene
15. What Ancient Greek playwright had separate plays performed on ‘Oedipus The King’, ‘Oedipus At Colonus’ and ‘Antigone’?Sophocles
16. This ceremony in ancient Rome takes its name from the spelt cake, panis farreus, that is shared by its participants. It is the most traditional form of patrician marriage practiced in ancient Rome.Confarreatio
17. The confarreatio was presided over by 2 religious officials: a flamen dialis and this religious official, the high priest of the college of pontiffs:Pontifex Maximus
18. A flamen dialis is a priest of this deity:Jupiter
19. What Trojan priest of Poseidon was killed with both of his sons after attempting to expose the ruse of the Trojan Horse by striking it with a spear?Laocoon
20. What priestess also warned the Trojans against the wooden horse?Cassandra
21. What god gave Cassandra the gift of prophecy with the punishment never to be believed by men?Apollo
22. What girl, said to be the daughter of Iasus or Schoenius was nursed by a bear and grew up to be the swiftest of all mortal women?Atalanta
23. What terrible and infamous beast was Atalanta the first to wound?Calydonian Boar
24. Who defeated Atalanta in a foot race and won her hand in marriage?Hippomenes/Melanion
25. A Roman aristocrat and statesman considered to be a model of virtue and simplicity, he fought in a war against the Aequi in 458 BCE. Who is this Roman nobleman, farmer turned dictator?Cincinnatus
26. For how long did Cincinnatus serve as dictator?16 days
27. He was the son of the minor god Aristaeus and Autonoe, grandson of Cadmus and trained by the centaur Chiron. What legendary huntsman accidentally came upon the goddess Artemis bathing in a pool?Acteon
28. Angered that she had been seen bathing by a mortal, into what did Artemis transform Acteon?A stag
29. Daughter of Tantalus and wife to Amphion, what queen of Thebes mocked Artemis’ mother Leto, an action which resulted in the death of all 14 of her children?Niobe
30. At the outset of this battle Hannibal unleashed his elephants in order to break the cohesion of the Roman lines. Fought in 202 BCE, what battle between the Carthaginians and Romans marked the end of the 2nd Punic War?Zama
31. Name the Roman commander who defeated Hannibal at Zama.Scipio Africanus
32. What Numidian ally assisted Scipio Africanus at the Battle of Zama?Masinissa
33. As emperor, he purged the borders of its threats and defeated the Sarmatians and Carpi during several campaigns between 285 CE and 299 CE. His reorganization of the fiscal, administrative, and military aspects of the empire laid the foundations for the Byzantine Empire in the East and temporarily solidified the decaying empire in the West. Name this emperor whose reign marked one of the most notable persecutions of Christians.Diocletian
34. What is the term for the type of government Diocletian implemented allowing for 2 senior emperors and 2 junior caesars essentially dividing the power between 4 men?Tetrarchy
35. What emperor, heralded as the first Christian emperor, followed Diocletian?Constantine
36. Built in 81 CE, this structure commemorates the victory in the Jewish War and is located at the highest point of the Via Sacra on the eastern side of the forum. Name this structure.Arch of Titus
37. Of the Arch of Titus, the Curia, or the Basilica Julia, which was built first?The curia
38. Speakers would stand on this and face the north side of the comitium towards the senate house and deliver orations to those assembled in between. What is this feature of the Roman forum?The Rostra
39. Nicknamed “the fish-men” because of their distinctive helmets, what gladiators fought with a curved rectangular shield and straight sword?Murmillo
40. What is the term for a gladiator who fought from a chariot?Essedarius
41. What is the term for the wooden sword given to a gladiator upon his retirement?Rudis
42. This element of a Roman circus often featured ornate columns, statues and commemorative obelisks. It served as the median strip down the middle of the course and literally means “spine/backbone” in Latin.Spina
43. We derive the English word “incarcerate” from this feature of the Roman circus.Carceres/Starting Gates
44. According to the historian Tacitus, this Circus in ancient Rome was the location of an organized martyrdom of Christians in 65 CE.Circus of Nero
45. Who created the first woman, Pandora, at the command of Zeus, in retaliation for the various tricks by which the Titan Prometheus had benefited mortal men at the expense of the gods?Hephaestus
46. To whom was Pandora given?Epimetheus
47. What does the name Epimetheus mean?After-thought
48. From what state would you find the motto “Virtute et armis”?Mississippi
49. What state has the motto “Numen, lumen”?Wisconsin
50. Who encountered a trio of women who shared one tooth and one eye?Perseus
51. What was the collective name of these strange women?Graeae
52. On whose instruction did Perseus seek out the Graeae?Athena
53. According to Greek Mythology, this man survived a great flood sent by Zeus to rid the world of mankind’s wickedness.Deucalion
54. How did Themis instruct Deucalion and Pyrrha to repopulate the earth?Throwing rocks
55. By whom was Deucalion warned that the flood was coming?Prometheus
56. This Thracian’s patronage is sometimes attributed to Oeagrus and other times to the god Apollo himself. He was a member of the Argonauts, introduced the crew to the Samothracian mysteries, and repeatedly saved the crew with his magical musical talents. Name this skilled minstrel, husband of Eurydice, who famously traveled to the underworld to retrieve her only to return alone.Orpheus
57. Who was Orpheus’ mother?Calliope
58. Calliope is the muse of this artistic sphere:Epic Poetry
59. Who ignored his father’s warnings and advice about handling the horses of the sun chariot and lost control of them, causing his death?Phaethon
60. Who was Phaethon’s father?Apollo
61. What mythological youth ignored his father’s warnings and flew too close to the sun, causing his death when the wax holding his wings together melted?Icarus
62. The Etruscan ruler of Clusium, name this man who had laid siege to Rome in 508 BCE and was the target of an assassination attempt by Mucius Scaevola.Lars Porsenna
63. By the bravery of what young Roman captive was Porsena so impressed that he asked her to choose half the remaining hostages to be freed?Cloelia
64. What does the cognomen “Scaevola” mean?Left-handed
65. What was the term for a person trained to practice a form of divination which involved the inspection of the entrails of sacrificed animals?Haruspex
66. What is the term for the ancient Roman practice of interpreting omens from the observed flight of birds?Augury
67. What Greek sculptor became so enamored with his work that he prayed to have a wife as beautiful as it?Pygmalion
68. What did Pygmalion name his statue?Galatea
69. By whom was Pygmalion’s statue brought to life?Aphrodite
70. With the help of the traitorous Tarpeia, this Sabine king attacked Rome and captured the citadel. However, through the urging of the Sabine women, he reconciled with Romulus and co-ruled with him for 5 years until his murder.Titus Tatius
71. Titus Tatius’ daughter, Tatia, married which Roman king?Numa Pompilius
72. For her treachery in aiding Titus Tatius, Tarpeia was thrown off a cliff located on the southern summit of this hill:Capitoline
73. Which of the following was a major battle of the 2nd Punic War: Zela, Cannae, Alesia, or Munda?Cannae
74. Son of Metion and the grandson of Erechtheus, he was a famous architect, inventor, and craftsman whose son perished when he flew too close to the sun melting the wax of his wings.Daedalus
75. For what king did Daedalus invent the Labyrinth?Minos
76. How did Minos trick Daedalus into revealing himself while he was in hiding in Cocalus’ court in Sicily?Thread through a shell
77. Caesar narrowly escaped it and, sadly, Cicero died because of it. What is sometimes referred to as a Lex Cornelia and is the term for a public posted notice listing Roman citizens who had been declared outlaws and their possessions confiscated?Proscription
78. By whom were proscriptions first enacted?Sulla
79. Who was proscribed by the 2nd Triumvirate and ultimately beheaded in the coastal town of Formia?Cicero
80. As retribution for the death of Minos’ son Androgeos, seven young men and seven young women were drawn from Athens and given as tribute each year. To whom where these tributes dedicated?Minotaur
81. By whom was Theseus aided in his attempt to defeat the Minotaur?Ariadne
82. Where was Ariadne abandoned by Theseus?Naxos
83. This mortal mistress of Zeus was the daughter of the Phoenician prince Cadmus and Harmonia. Hera, jealous of Zeus’ affair with this woman, convinced this mortal woman to ask Zeus to appear to her in all of his godly power, thunderbolt and all. Reluctantly, Zeus did so, and this woman perished, consumed by fire. Her offspring, however, survived and Zeus stitched him into his thigh until he was ready to be born. Name this mother of Dionysus, the god of wine.Semele
84. The female revelers and worshippers of Dionysus are known as this:Maenads
85. This structure now contains the tombs of the famous artist Raphael and several Italian kings. Converted to a church in 609 CE, name this structure which was originally constructed as a temple for all pagan gods.Pantheon
86. During the reign of Augustus, who first commissioned the building of the Pantheon?Marcus Agrippa
87. What emperor ordered the Pantheon’s reconstruction in 118 CE?Hadrian
88. A priestess of Vesta, her father was a Roman commander and she experienced a crushing death. Name this Roman maiden who betrayed the city of Rome to the Sabines.Tarpeia
89. Name the author of “Ab Urbe Condita”.Livy
90. Represented as birds with the faces of women, horribly foul and loathsome, name these creatures who were sent to punish the Thracian king Phineus for his ill-treatment of his children.Harpies
91. What hero saved Phineus from these horrible creatures?Jason
92. On what island does the hero Aeneas encounter the Harpies?Strophades
93. Married to the Iceni King Prasutagus, name this Celtic queen who led a revolt against the Roman army in Britain in 60 CE.Boudicca
94. During what emperor’s reign did Boudicca lead her revolt?Nero
95. Name this man in Greek mythology who was a king of Ephyra punished for chronic deceitfulness by being compelled to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down and to repeat this action forever.Sisyphus
96. In what realm of the underworld did Sisyphus endure his punishment?Tartarus
97. Who also resided in the underworld condemned in the afterlife to a perpetual labor of carrying water from the river Styx in leaky jars?Danaids
98. Who was Pegasus’ mother?Medusa
99. What was the name of Pegasus’ brother who was also birthed when Perseus decapitated Medusa?Chrysaor
100. Name this ancient Roman heating system in a Roman house or building where heat from a furnace was accumulated to heat a room or a bath.Hypocaust
101. Zeus abducted Ganymede in the form of this bird:Eagle
102. Zeus seduced Leda in the form of this bird:Swan
103. Prior to the Catilinarian conspiracy, Catiline supported this general and later dictator of Rome and reportedly killed his own brother in law because he showed up on his proscription lists.Sulla
104. This battle which took place in 312 CE occurred at an important route across the Tiber.Milvian Bridge
105. Whom did Constantine defeat at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge?Maxentius
106. In what year was the famed Council of Nicea?325 CE
107. Who was warned by an oracle to beware of one coming to Iolcus from the mountains and wearing only one sandal?Pelias
108. From whom had Pelias usurped his throne?Aeson
109. Why did Jason arrive in Iolcus wearing only one sandal?Helping an old woman across a river
110. This Roman man hailed from Cordoba in Hispania and he was trained in rhetoric in Rome. He fell out of favor with the emperor and was exiled to Corsica in 41 CE. Name this tutor and advisor to Nero who was forced to commit suicide in 65 CE.Seneca the younger
111. What son of Eos and Astraeus, brother of Boreas, Eurus and Notus is said to live in a cave on Thrace?Zephyrus
112. Name this law, introduced by the consul L. Julius Caesar in 90 BCE, which offered Roman citizenship to all citizens of the Roman municipalities that had not raised arms against Rome during the social wars.Lex Julia
113. Cicero wrote this corpus of fourteen speeches in which he fiercely attacks Mark Antony and compares him to his previous political enemies Catiline and Clodius.Philippics
114. Son of Agave and grandson of Cadmus, this arrogant king of Thebes not only refused to recognize his cousin Dionysus as a god but also forbade the women of Thebes to worship him.Pentheus
115. In Euripedes’ Bacchae, what relative of Pentheus ripped him to pieces?Mother
116. As censor in 312 BCE, this man built one of the earliest and perhaps the most strategically important road in Roman history, the Appian Way.Appius Claudius Caecus
117. What does the cognomen Caecus mean?Blind
118. The Via Appia was especially instrumental in bringing about Roman victory against this group of Oscan speaking people who dwelled in south-central ItalySamnites
119. This Roman elected official was sacrosanct, had the power to convene the Plebeian council, and had the power to veto actions taken by other magistrates.Tribune
120. This famous tribune was assassinated for his proposition of land reform:Tiberius Gracchus
121. Who was the best fighter on the Trojan side in the Trojan war?Hector
122. Who was Hector’s wife?Andromache
123. What was Hector and Andromache’s son’s name?Astyanax/Scamandrius
124. Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia, and Eros were said to be the four children of Aphrodite by which of her lovers?Ares
125. What “physical” job did Phobos and Deimos perform for their father?Pulled his chariot
126. To what mortal was Harmonia married?Cadmus


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

The son of Procas, he forced Rhea Silvia to become a vestal virgin and dethroned his brother. Name this king of Alba Longa who ordered the death of the twins Romulus and Remus.&choe=UTF-8

Question 1 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

On what hill did Faustulus and Acca Laurentia find the twins Romulus and Remus?&choe=UTF-8

Question 2 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Into what god is Romulus said to have changed?&choe=UTF-8

Question 3 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Said to be the strongest creatures of all the Titans, name these Greek monsters whose Latinized name is “Centimani”&choe=UTF-8

Question 4 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

How many Hecatoncheires were there according to the ancient sources?&choe=UTF-8

Question 5 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Designed for men of senatorial rank and a mixture of military and political administration posts, what sequential order of Roman public offices literally translates into “course of honors”?&choe=UTF-8

Question 6 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What Roman office had the power to enforce public order and was responsible for maintaining public buildings?&choe=UTF-8

Question 7 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What famous Roman author and orator held the position of Consul in 63 BCE?&choe=UTF-8

Question 8 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Name this young maiden who was of such extraordinary beauty that Aphrodite herself became jealous of her. The goddess sent her son Eros to make her fall in love with an ugly man, but instead, he fell in love with her himself!&choe=UTF-8

Question 9 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

How was Psyche caught trying to determine the identity of her beloved?&choe=UTF-8

Question 10 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Name the Roman province which is equivalent to modern France.&choe=UTF-8

Question 11 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Name the mountain range that divides Gaul from Hispania.&choe=UTF-8

Question 12 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

My brothers are Polynices and Eteocles and my parents are Jocasta and Oedipus. I was punished for giving my brother a proper burial. Who am I?&choe=UTF-8

Question 13 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Who was Antigone’s sister?&choe=UTF-8

Question 14 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What Ancient Greek playwright had separate plays performed on ‘Oedipus The King’, ‘Oedipus At Colonus’ and ‘Antigone’?&choe=UTF-8

Question 15 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

This ceremony in ancient Rome takes its name from the spelt cake, panis farreus, that is shared by its participants. It is the most traditional form of patrician marriage practiced in ancient Rome.&choe=UTF-8

Question 16 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

The confarreatio was presided over by 2 religious officials: a flamen dialis and this religious official, the high priest of the college of pontiffs:&choe=UTF-8

Question 17 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

A flamen dialis is a priest of this deity:&choe=UTF-8

Question 18 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What Trojan priest of Poseidon was killed with both of his sons after attempting to expose the ruse of the Trojan Horse by striking it with a spear?&choe=UTF-8

Question 19 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What priestess also warned the Trojans against the wooden horse?&choe=UTF-8

Question 20 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What god gave Cassandra the gift of prophecy with the punishment never to be believed by men?&choe=UTF-8

Question 21 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What girl, said to be the daughter of Iasus or Schoenius was nursed by a bear and grew up to be the swiftest of all mortal women?&choe=UTF-8

Question 22 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What terrible and infamous beast was Atalanta the first to wound?&choe=UTF-8

Question 23 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Who defeated Atalanta in a foot race and won her hand in marriage?&choe=UTF-8

Question 24 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

A Roman aristocrat and statesman considered to be a model of virtue and simplicity, he fought in a war against the Aequi in 458 BCE. Who is this Roman nobleman, farmer turned dictator?&choe=UTF-8

Question 25 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

For how long did Cincinnatus serve as dictator?&choe=UTF-8

Question 26 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

He was the son of the minor god Aristaeus and Autonoe, grandson of Cadmus and trained by the centaur Chiron. What legendary huntsman accidentally came upon the goddess Artemis bathing in a pool?&choe=UTF-8

Question 27 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Angered that she had been seen bathing by a mortal, into what did Artemis transform Acteon?&choe=UTF-8

Question 28 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Daughter of Tantalus and wife to Amphion, what queen of Thebes mocked Artemis’ mother Leto, an action which resulted in the death of all 14 of her children?&choe=UTF-8

Question 29 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

At the outset of this battle Hannibal unleashed his elephants in order to break the cohesion of the Roman lines. Fought in 202 BCE, what battle between the Carthaginians and Romans marked the end of the 2nd Punic War?&choe=UTF-8

Question 30 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Name the Roman commander who defeated Hannibal at Zama.&choe=UTF-8

Question 31 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What Numidian ally assisted Scipio Africanus at the Battle of Zama?&choe=UTF-8

Question 32 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

As emperor, he purged the borders of its threats and defeated the Sarmatians and Carpi during several campaigns between 285 CE and 299 CE. His reorganization of the fiscal, administrative, and military aspects of the empire laid the foundations for the Byzantine Empire in the East and temporarily solidified the decaying empire in the West. Name this emperor whose reign marked one of the most notable persecutions of Christians.&choe=UTF-8

Question 33 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What is the term for the type of government Diocletian implemented allowing for 2 senior emperors and 2 junior caesars essentially dividing the power between 4 men?&choe=UTF-8

Question 34 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What emperor, heralded as the first Christian emperor, followed Diocletian?&choe=UTF-8

Question 35 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Built in 81 CE, this structure commemorates the victory in the Jewish War and is located at the highest point of the Via Sacra on the eastern side of the forum. Name this structure.&choe=UTF-8

Question 36 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Of the Arch of Titus, the Curia, or the Basilica Julia, which was built first?&choe=UTF-8

Question 37 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Speakers would stand on this and face the north side of the comitium towards the senate house and deliver orations to those assembled in between. What is this feature of the Roman forum?&choe=UTF-8

Question 38 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Nicknamed “the fish-men” because of their distinctive helmets, what gladiators fought with a curved rectangular shield and straight sword?&choe=UTF-8

Question 39 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What is the term for a gladiator who fought from a chariot?&choe=UTF-8

Question 40 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What is the term for the wooden sword given to a gladiator upon his retirement?&choe=UTF-8

Question 41 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

This element of a Roman circus often featured ornate columns, statues and commemorative obelisks. It served as the median strip down the middle of the course and literally means “spine/backbone” in Latin.&choe=UTF-8

Question 42 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

We derive the English word “incarcerate” from this feature of the Roman circus.&choe=UTF-8

Question 43 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

According to the historian Tacitus, this Circus in ancient Rome was the location of an organized martyrdom of Christians in 65 CE.&choe=UTF-8

Question 44 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Who created the first woman, Pandora, at the command of Zeus, in retaliation for the various tricks by which the Titan Prometheus had benefited mortal men at the expense of the gods?&choe=UTF-8

Question 45 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

To whom was Pandora given?&choe=UTF-8

Question 46 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What does the name Epimetheus mean?&choe=UTF-8

Question 47 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

From what state would you find the motto “Virtute et armis”?&choe=UTF-8

Question 48 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What state has the motto “Numen, lumen”?&choe=UTF-8

Question 49 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Who encountered a trio of women who shared one tooth and one eye?&choe=UTF-8

Question 50 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What was the collective name of these strange women?&choe=UTF-8

Question 51 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

On whose instruction did Perseus seek out the Graeae?&choe=UTF-8

Question 52 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

According to Greek Mythology, this man survived a great flood sent by Zeus to rid the world of mankind’s wickedness.&choe=UTF-8

Question 53 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

How did Themis instruct Deucalion and Pyrrha to repopulate the earth?&choe=UTF-8

Question 54 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

By whom was Deucalion warned that the flood was coming?&choe=UTF-8

Question 55 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

This Thracian’s patronage is sometimes attributed to Oeagrus and other times to the god Apollo himself. He was a member of the Argonauts, introduced the crew to the Samothracian mysteries, and repeatedly saved the crew with his magical musical talents. Name this skilled minstrel, husband of Eurydice, who famously traveled to the underworld to retrieve her only to return alone.&choe=UTF-8

Question 56 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Who was Orpheus’ mother?&choe=UTF-8

Question 57 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Calliope is the muse of this artistic sphere:&choe=UTF-8

Question 58 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Who ignored his father’s warnings and advice about handling the horses of the sun chariot and lost control of them, causing his death?&choe=UTF-8

Question 59 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Who was Phaethon’s father?&choe=UTF-8

Question 60 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What mythological youth ignored his father’s warnings and flew too close to the sun, causing his death when the wax holding his wings together melted?&choe=UTF-8

Question 61 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

The Etruscan ruler of Clusium, name this man who had laid siege to Rome in 508 BCE and was the target of an assassination attempt by Mucius Scaevola.&choe=UTF-8

Question 62 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

By the bravery of what young Roman captive was Porsena so impressed that he asked her to choose half the remaining hostages to be freed?&choe=UTF-8

Question 63 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What does the cognomen “Scaevola” mean?&choe=UTF-8

Question 64 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What was the term for a person trained to practice a form of divination which involved the inspection of the entrails of sacrificed animals?&choe=UTF-8

Question 65 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What is the term for the ancient Roman practice of interpreting omens from the observed flight of birds?&choe=UTF-8

Question 66 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What Greek sculptor became so enamored with his work that he prayed to have a wife as beautiful as it?&choe=UTF-8

Question 67 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What did Pygmalion name his statue?&choe=UTF-8

Question 68 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

By whom was Pygmalion’s statue brought to life?&choe=UTF-8

Question 69 (of 126)


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With the help of the traitorous Tarpeia, this Sabine king attacked Rome and captured the citadel. However, through the urging of the Sabine women, he reconciled with Romulus and co-ruled with him for 5 years until his murder.&choe=UTF-8

Question 70 (of 126)


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Titus Tatius’ daughter, Tatia, married which Roman king?&choe=UTF-8

Question 71 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

For her treachery in aiding Titus Tatius, Tarpeia was thrown off a cliff located on the southern summit of this hill:&choe=UTF-8

Question 72 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Which of the following was a major battle of the 2nd Punic War: Zela, Cannae, Alesia, or Munda?&choe=UTF-8

Question 73 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Son of Metion and the grandson of Erechtheus, he was a famous architect, inventor, and craftsman whose son perished when he flew too close to the sun melting the wax of his wings.&choe=UTF-8

Question 74 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

For what king did Daedalus invent the Labyrinth?&choe=UTF-8

Question 75 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

How did Minos trick Daedalus into revealing himself while he was in hiding in Cocalus’ court in Sicily?&choe=UTF-8

Question 76 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Caesar narrowly escaped it and, sadly, Cicero died because of it. What is sometimes referred to as a Lex Cornelia and is the term for a public posted notice listing Roman citizens who had been declared outlaws and their possessions confiscated?&choe=UTF-8

Question 77 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

By whom were proscriptions first enacted?&choe=UTF-8

Question 78 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Who was proscribed by the 2nd Triumvirate and ultimately beheaded in the coastal town of Formia?&choe=UTF-8

Question 79 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

As retribution for the death of Minos’ son Androgeos, seven young men and seven young women were drawn from Athens and given as tribute each year. To whom where these tributes dedicated?&choe=UTF-8

Question 80 (of 126)


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By whom was Theseus aided in his attempt to defeat the Minotaur?&choe=UTF-8

Question 81 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Where was Ariadne abandoned by Theseus?&choe=UTF-8

Question 82 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

This mortal mistress of Zeus was the daughter of the Phoenician prince Cadmus and Harmonia. Hera, jealous of Zeus’ affair with this woman, convinced this mortal woman to ask Zeus to appear to her in all of his godly power, thunderbolt and all. Reluctantly, Zeus did so, and this woman perished, consumed by fire. Her offspring, however, survived and Zeus stitched him into his thigh until he was ready to be born. Name this mother of Dionysus, the god of wine.&choe=UTF-8

Question 83 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

The female revelers and worshippers of Dionysus are known as this:&choe=UTF-8

Question 84 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

This structure now contains the tombs of the famous artist Raphael and several Italian kings. Converted to a church in 609 CE, name this structure which was originally constructed as a temple for all pagan gods.&choe=UTF-8

Question 85 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

During the reign of Augustus, who first commissioned the building of the Pantheon?&choe=UTF-8

Question 86 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What emperor ordered the Pantheon’s reconstruction in 118 CE?&choe=UTF-8

Question 87 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

A priestess of Vesta, her father was a Roman commander and she experienced a crushing death. Name this Roman maiden who betrayed the city of Rome to the Sabines.&choe=UTF-8

Question 88 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Name the author of “Ab Urbe Condita”.&choe=UTF-8

Question 89 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Represented as birds with the faces of women, horribly foul and loathsome, name these creatures who were sent to punish the Thracian king Phineus for his ill-treatment of his children.&choe=UTF-8

Question 90 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What hero saved Phineus from these horrible creatures?&choe=UTF-8

Question 91 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

On what island does the hero Aeneas encounter the Harpies?&choe=UTF-8

Question 92 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Married to the Iceni King Prasutagus, name this Celtic queen who led a revolt against the Roman army in Britain in 60 CE.&choe=UTF-8

Question 93 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

During what emperor’s reign did Boudicca lead her revolt?&choe=UTF-8

Question 94 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Name this man in Greek mythology who was a king of Ephyra punished for chronic deceitfulness by being compelled to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down and to repeat this action forever.&choe=UTF-8

Question 95 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

In what realm of the underworld did Sisyphus endure his punishment?&choe=UTF-8

Question 96 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Who also resided in the underworld condemned in the afterlife to a perpetual labor of carrying water from the river Styx in leaky jars?&choe=UTF-8

Question 97 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Who was Pegasus’ mother?&choe=UTF-8

Question 98 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What was the name of Pegasus’ brother who was also birthed when Perseus decapitated Medusa?&choe=UTF-8

Question 99 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Name this ancient Roman heating system in a Roman house or building where heat from a furnace was accumulated to heat a room or a bath.&choe=UTF-8

Question 100 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Zeus abducted Ganymede in the form of this bird:&choe=UTF-8

Question 101 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Zeus seduced Leda in the form of this bird:&choe=UTF-8

Question 102 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Prior to the Catilinarian conspiracy, Catiline supported this general and later dictator of Rome and reportedly killed his own brother in law because he showed up on his proscription lists.&choe=UTF-8

Question 103 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

This battle which took place in 312 CE occurred at an important route across the Tiber.&choe=UTF-8

Question 104 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Whom did Constantine defeat at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge?&choe=UTF-8

Question 105 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

In what year was the famed Council of Nicea?&choe=UTF-8

Question 106 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Who was warned by an oracle to beware of one coming to Iolcus from the mountains and wearing only one sandal?&choe=UTF-8

Question 107 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

From whom had Pelias usurped his throne?&choe=UTF-8

Question 108 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Why did Jason arrive in Iolcus wearing only one sandal?&choe=UTF-8

Question 109 (of 126)


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This Roman man hailed from Cordoba in Hispania and he was trained in rhetoric in Rome. He fell out of favor with the emperor and was exiled to Corsica in 41 CE. Name this tutor and advisor to Nero who was forced to commit suicide in 65 CE.&choe=UTF-8

Question 110 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What son of Eos and Astraeus, brother of Boreas, Eurus and Notus is said to live in a cave on Thrace?&choe=UTF-8

Question 111 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Name this law, introduced by the consul L. Julius Caesar in 90 BCE, which offered Roman citizenship to all citizens of the Roman municipalities that had not raised arms against Rome during the social wars.&choe=UTF-8

Question 112 (of 126)


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Cicero wrote this corpus of fourteen speeches in which he fiercely attacks Mark Antony and compares him to his previous political enemies Catiline and Clodius.&choe=UTF-8

Question 113 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Son of Agave and grandson of Cadmus, this arrogant king of Thebes not only refused to recognize his cousin Dionysus as a god but also forbade the women of Thebes to worship him.&choe=UTF-8

Question 114 (of 126)


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In Euripedes’ Bacchae, what relative of Pentheus ripped him to pieces?&choe=UTF-8

Question 115 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

As censor in 312 BCE, this man built one of the earliest and perhaps the most strategically important road in Roman history, the Appian Way.&choe=UTF-8

Question 116 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What does the cognomen Caecus mean?&choe=UTF-8

Question 117 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

The Via Appia was especially instrumental in bringing about Roman victory against this group of Oscan speaking people who dwelled in south-central Italy&choe=UTF-8

Question 118 (of 126)


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This Roman elected official was sacrosanct, had the power to convene the Plebeian council, and had the power to veto actions taken by other magistrates.&choe=UTF-8

Question 119 (of 126)


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This famous tribune was assassinated for his proposition of land reform:&choe=UTF-8

Question 120 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Who was the best fighter on the Trojan side in the Trojan war?&choe=UTF-8

Question 121 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Who was Hector’s wife?&choe=UTF-8

Question 122 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

What was Hector and Andromache’s son’s name?&choe=UTF-8

Question 123 (of 126)


Roman Trivia: QR Challenge Trivia

Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia, and Eros were said to be the four children of Aphrodite by which of her lovers?&choe=UTF-8

Question 124 (of 126)


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What “physical” job did Phobos and Deimos perform for their father?&choe=UTF-8

Question 125 (of 126)


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To what mortal was Harmonia married?&choe=UTF-8

Question 126 (of 126)