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QR Challenge: Biology Milestone Review

What is an enzyme?
How is DNA different from RNA?
What is the amino acid made with the codon CAG?
Draw an example of the function of the golgi apparatus.
List 2 main functions of lipids.
Mitosis occurs with ___________cells.
You have sex chromosomes that are XY, that means you are a _____.
draw the cell cycle.
Movement of solutes from low to high is ______ transport.
Transcription happens when___.
Give an example of a mutation.
Nondisjunction occurs when___
The results from a Punnett Square are 25% TT, 50% Tt, and 25% tt. What are the parents' genotype?
List 2 types of prokaryotes.
It goes... Domain, Kingdom, Phylum ....(list the rest)
Gregor Mendel studied____.
Pick 2 evolutionary evidences to explain
Radioisotope dating is used for what?
What is the equation for cellular respiration?
An enzyme needs a ______?
What is a limiting factor? give an example for a density-dependent and a density-independent.
What is the importance of lightening and bacteria in the Nitrogen Cycle?
What are some advantages of Asexual reproduction?
