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QR Challenge: Genetics Review

In cattle, the hornless/ no horns condition (H) is dominant and the horned condition (h) is recessive. A bull without horns is crossed with a cow with horns. Of the four offspring, one (1) is horned and three (3) are hornless. Determine the genotype of the bull and the cow.Hh (bull) x hh (cow)
In tomatoes, fuzzy skin (F) is dominant over smooth skin (f). A cross between a fuzzy skinned tomato and a smooth skinned tomato resulted in 69 fuzzy skinned tomatoes and 58 smooth skinned tomatoes.Determine the genotypes of the parents and double check with a cross.Ff x ff
Hemophelia is a recessive sex-linked disorder. Give the genotype of a FEMALE who has hemophelia.Xhxh
Achondroplasia (dwarfism) is caused by a dominant gene. Achondroplasia is also an example of a homozygous dominant LETHAL trait (Individuals born DD die as infants). A woman and a man, BOTH WITH DWARFISM marry. What would be the PHENOTYPIC ratio of their LIVING offspring?2:1
In humans, the allele for being an albino is recessive to the allele for normal skin pigmentation. If two normal skin heterozygotes marry, what would be their % chance of having a child with albinism?25%
In purple people eaters, ONE-HORN is dominant and NO horns is recessive. In the cross between a people eater that is heterozygous for horns and a people eater with NO horns, what is the expected PHENOTYPIC ratio?2:2
In cows, fur color is controlled by a dominant white allele (W) and a dominant red allele (R). The heterozygote is called road (RW). How many DIFFERENT phenotypes would you expect if 2 ROAN cows mated?3
Colorblindness is an X-linked recessive trait. Give the GENOTYPE for a carrier for colorblindness.XNXn
The father of genetics is:Mendel
The different versions of a gene (like T is tall, t is short) are called:alleles
A breeder crossed a horse that was homozygous dominant for a particular trait with a horse that was homozygous recessive for the same trait. What percent of the foals will be HETEROZYGOUS?100%
Traits that are controlled by genes located on the X chromosome are called:sex-linked traits
A color-blind (x-linked recessive) woman marries a man who has normal color vision. What are their chances of having a colorblind daughter?0%
Give an example of a POLYGENIC trait:skin, hair, eye color, height.
A flower breeder decides to cross a red flowered plant with a white flowered plant. All of the offspring have PINK flowers. What inheritance pattern is this?Incomplete dominance
How many alleles for each trait are donated by each parent?:one
In peas, purple flowers are dominant to white. Give the genotype of a PURE BREEDING purple plant:PP
A cross between a black cat & a tan cat produces a tabby pattern (black & tan fur together). If a tabby cat is mated to a black cat and they have 8 kittens, how many would you EXPECT to be TABBY?4
