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QR Challenge: Anatomy of the Arm & Hand

What is the name of the lymph gland found under the arm?Axillary
What carries deoxygenated blood back to the heart?2Veins2
Thick walled muscular tubes.3Arteries3
What is the function of the bones?4Provide a framework for the body4
Functions of the Lymphatic system5Controls swelling/Fights Infection5
Technical name for finger bones6Phalanges6
Wrist bones7Carpals7
What is the function of the nails?8Protects the ends of the fingers from damage8
What is the main type of muscle in the lower arm?9Voluntary9
What are the muscles of the lower arm?10Flexors & Extensors10
What is the name for the bones of the hand?11Metacarpals11
What does the skin produce when the skin is exposed to UV light?12Vitamin D12
What does sebum do in the skin?13Conditions the skin13
What are the six functions of the skin?14Shapes14
The name of the outer most layer of skin?15Epidermis15
What is the other name for olecranon bone?16Elbow16
Bone that runs down the medial side of the arm17Radius17
Bone that runs down the lateral side of the arm18Ulna18
Technical name for athletes foot19Tinea Pedis19
What is Onycholysis?20Separation of the nail plate from the nail bed20
