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QR Challenge: Prueba #1 del Alquimista

Why did Santiago become distracted at the market in Tangier?By looking at a sword
What languages are spoken in Morocco?Spanish and Arabic
What religion is practiced in Morocco?Islam
Where did the moors that conquered Spain from the year 711-1613 crossed through?Tangier, Strait of Gibraltar & Tarifa
What are the name of the stones that Melquisedec gave Santiago?Urim & Tunim
What’s the name of the king that Santiago meets?Melquisedec
What do the stones Urim & Tunim mean?Yes or No
What did Melquisedec ask in exchange to help Santiago find his treasure?A tenth of the flock of sheep
What is a Personal Legend?What you always wanted to do since you were young
In what item did Melquisedec transform to help the Miner who was about to give up?rock
