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QR Challenge: History Book Scavenger Hunt

On what page does the table of contents begin?vi
Your text contains a Primary Source Handbook. What primary source can be found on page R55? (Hint: What is the title and who wrote it?)Ninety Five Theses by Martin Luther
According to your atlas, what items were traded in the 14th and 15th centuries on Indian Ocean routes? (List the first three.)ambergris, aromatics, cowries
What is listed at the bottom of each chapter lesson opener page, after Main Ideas and Taking Notes?California State Standards for World History
Which company provides the atlas in your history book and other related maps?Rand McNally
On what page can you find a list of interactive maps and visuals?page xx
What is in the upper right hand corner of each new chapter lesson opener?terms and names
Each chapter lesson may have two or three of these essential things. What are they?best answer: essential questions
What is the website associated with this world history text? That is, where could you go online to find out more information about a topic?
Before each chapter actually starts, you get to sit back and enjoy a _____.story
At each chapter lesson opener, after telling you the Main Ideas, what do they offer you as a suggestion to become a better student?best answer: how to take notes
Many times if you look at the bottom right hand corner of a page, what will it tell you (aside from the page number)?the title of the chapter
Who is the “History Maker” profiled in Chapter 5?Askia Muhammad
What is at the conclusion of each Primary Source excerpt?a document-based question
What other language is your glossary written in?Spanish
What are Hindu teachers called? On which reference page did you find this information?gurus, pg. R66
What is the essential question on page 463?Who is credited with the beginning of the Reformation?
What is the abbreviation put in front of dates that are approximate? (example: pg. 422)c. or ca. (which is an abbreviation for the Latin “circa”)
What is the purpose behind the information given to you on pages 72 – 73?“To recognize Rome’s effect on modern society”
According to the World Religions Handbook in your text, what makes up the clergy of the Buddhist faith?Buddhist monks
What is the title of unit one?Introduction to World History
Ankara, Turkey, is located on which line of latitude?40 ˚ N
According to one of the numerous maps in your textbook (not just in the atlas section!) did Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias sail all the way around Africa?No! He sailed down the west coast and around the tip before stopping.
On page 344, what is shown in the photograph?Opening Session of Parliament, or Queen Elizabeth II
On page 241, the Chinese admiral Zheng He is compared to what other famous mariner?Christopher Columbus
