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QR Challenge: Periodic Table of Elements

I have 26 protonsIron
I am not really an alkali metal, but since I have only 1 electron I behave like them2Hydrogen
I am a gas with 8 protons and 8 neutrons3Oxygen
I am a metal that is liquid at room temperature4Mercury
My atomic number is 47 and I am used to make photographic film5Silver
I have 20 neutrons and am found in your teeth and bones6Calcium
I am a member of the nitrogen family with 16 neutrons7Phosphorus
I am a gas with 19 as my Atomic Mass8Fluorine
I am the 1st element in the 4th period used in making fertilizer9Potassium
35.453 is my Atomic Mass10Chlorine
79 is my atomic number11Gold
I am a transition metal with 25 electrons12Manganese
I am a noble gas with 2 electrons13Helium
I am the only element in the halogen family that is a liquid14Bromine
I have 38 protons and am a member of the alkaline earth metals used to make fireworks15Strontium
