QR Challenge: Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge
Teacher Notes
A. Prior to the lesson:
1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.
2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to
- Download a QR reader (e.g. I-Nigma | NeoReader | Kaywa) onto their mobile devices
- Bring these devices into the lesson.
3. Print out the QR codes.
4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.
B. The lesson:
1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.
2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.
3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!
4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.
Questions / Answers (teacher reference)
Question | Answer |
1. Welcome to the House Academic Day Mathematics Competition. This completion should take about 15 minutes and you will need to work quickly in your groups to solve as many problems as possible. You may use a calculator for any question. | No Answer
| | 3. Jo bought 5 pencils. They normally cost $1.20 each, but in the sale she paid $4.50 for all 5 of them. How much did each pencil cost? | 90 cents
| 4.
| | 5. How many different sized rectangles can be made from 20 metres of rabbit proof fencing, if the sides must be whole numbers? | 5
| 6.
| | 7. The sequence of Happy Numbers is generated by squaring each digit and adding them. Find the 5th number in the sequence 2, 4, 16, 37 ... | 58
| 8.
| | 9. What is the tenth digit in the decimal equivalent of 1/7 ? | 8
| 10.
| | 11. The number ten is written here as the sum of 2 squares. 10 = 12 + 32 Write the number thirteen as the sum of 2 squares. 13 = _________2 +__________2 | 2,3
| 12.
| | 13. My dog Bob is 15 years and 15 months and 15 weeks and 15 days old. How old will he be next birthday? | 17
| 14.
| | 15. [5, 7] and [11,13] are called prime pairs, because they are consecutive primes. There are two more prime pairs greater than 13 and less than 40. Find them. | [17, 19] & [29, 31]
| 16.
| | 17. Today is the 21st of August. What is the probability that any day chosen at random from this month will be a Thursday? | 4/31
| 18.
| | 19. It takes Sue-Mi 1 minute to swim one 50m length of the school pool. Each subsequent length takes her twice as long as the previous length. How long will it take her to swim 500 metres? | 1023min
| 20.
| | 21. I am fourteen years old, born on Saturday 1st January 2000. What day of the week will my 21st birthday be on? | Friday |

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 1 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 2 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 3 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 4 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 5 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 6 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 7 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 8 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 9 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 10 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
https://www.classtools.net/QR/decode.php?text=The_number_ten_is_written_here_as_the_sum_of_2_squares. 10_=_12_+_32__Write_the_number_thirteen_as_the_sum_of_2_squares.__13_=__________2__+__________2
Question 11 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 12 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 13 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 14 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 15 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 16 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 17 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 18 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 19 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 20 (of 21)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge: QR Challenge
Question 21 (of 21)