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QR Challenge: Tudor Life

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. People had to make their own entertainment in Tudor times. They worked for most of the week, so entertainment was saved until Sundays when most people would have a day offentertainment
2. Tudor people went to watch plays in newly built, round theatres in the towns. The well-off sat in covered seats on each side, while poorer people stood up in an open area in front of the stage called the pit. They laughed at the actors' jokes, or booed and jeered if they did not like the play. Only men could be actors so teenage boys played all the female parts dressed in women's clothes, wigs and make-up.theatres
3. The most famous Tudor playwright was William Shakespeare, who wrote plays such as: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth.william shakespear
4. Travelling musicians played in streets and market places, or found work in noble families' great houses. There, they played gentle music on flutes, lutes and viols, or sang madrigals (songs with different parts for four or more people) while lords and ladies at their meals. This was followed by the latest lively tunes for dancing. Tudor dances were very energetic, with lots of: leaps, jumps, twists and twirls. Noble ladies also played a keyboard instrument called the virginals, which made a gentle, tinkling sound.musicians
5. Fishing, wrestling and archery were favourite outdoor sports for poor people. A type of football was also very popular - neighbouring villages would often play against each other in matches that would last all day. The goal posts would be placed about a mile apart and the players could: throw, kick or pick up the ball as they run through the streets and across the fields. It was a very rough game and people were often wrestling and archery
6. Tennis was also played in Tudor times. Unlike today, it was played indoors and the ball could be bounced off the walls. Rackets were made of wood and strung with sheep gut, whilst the balls were made of leather and filled with
7. Hunting was very popular but only the rich were allowed to hunt deer - the poor had to hunt hares and rabbits instead.hunting
8. Tudors wanted to explore the World because they wanted the excitement of traveling to new places where no British people had ever been and to become rich by bringing back expensive goods (like: spices, silk and precious metals).explorers
9. Sir Walter Raleigh was a famous explorer. He led many expeditions to America and introduced tobacco and the potato into England in the late 1500s. He named the first English colony in America Virginia, after Queen Elizabeth I.sir walter raleigh
10. Sir Francis Drake became the first Englishman to sail around the world (circumnavigate it), which he did between 1577 and 1580 in his ship The Golden Hind. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth I for his courage and all the treasures he brought back, such as spices from the Indies and plundered Spanish silver and treasure.sir francis drake
11. John Cabot was born in Italy but came to live in England during the reign of Henry VII. In 1497 he sailed west from Bristol, on his ship, the Matthew, hoping to find a shorter route to Asia. After a month however, he discovered an unknown land which he called it 'new found land' - today it is known as Newfoundland in Canada.John Cabot
12. Sir John Hawkins was a cousin of Sir Francis Drake. He became the first Englishman to trade in slaves in about 1562. He bought slaves in west Africa and sold them to the Spanish colonies in the West Indies, often raiding Spanish ships as he went.sir john hawkins
13. Most Tudor meals were not very healthy. If families were rich, they ate too much meat and fat and not enough fruit and vegetables. If families were poor, they sometimes had to survive on bread alone.tudor meals
14. The main meal of the day was dinner, served at around 11 o'clock in the morning. The would eat with their fingers, knives and spoons. There were no forks.main meal of the day
15. Tudor people had no fridges or freezers. They preserved meat in tubs of salty water or by hanging it in smoky chimneys, and stored fruit and vegetables in cold attics and barns to eat in winter fridge freezers
16. Meats eaten included deer, pigs and wild boar. Game was also popular and included pigeons, pheasants and partridges. Animals would be kept all year round and only killed just before they needed to be eaten to make sure the meat was always fresh.pigs and wild boar
17. Bread was eaten with most meals. Rich people ate bread made from white or wholemeal flour whilst poor people ate bread made from rye and even ground acorns.bread
18. Many new foods arrived in Britain for the first time from the Americas, such as: potatoes, pineapples, chillies and from america
19. Sugar was very expensive as it came from abroad, so honey was often used instead to sweeten food.sugar
20. Poor people would eat a herb-flavoured soup called pottage which would be served with bread. It was made of: peas, milk, egg yolks, breadcrumbs and parsley.pottage
21. The most common Tudor drink was very weak beer because it was safer than water from wells and streams, which was often polluted with
22. Herbs had been used as cures since ancient times. It was part of the education of a young Tudor girl to learn how to mix potions, or 'simples' as they were called.herbs and potions
23. Tudor houses of any size would have a well laid out 'knot' garden named after its shape, complemented by a practical and well stocked herb garden. Close to the kitchen would be the 'still room'. Here the industrious housewife concocted her remedies.herb garden
24. Chamomile was a favourite in Tudor herb gardens.Sir Francis Drake was playing bowls on a lawn of chamomile when he sighted the Armada. It was used to soothe stomach ailments and lighten the hair.chamomile
25. Rosemary oil was used in rheumatism ointments. It was also used as an antiseptic and in potions as a sedative. Strong doses are poisonous!Rosemary
26. Balm was used on bandages to help heal wounds. A Welsh prince, who drank lots of balm tea, said it was the reason he lived so long. He died aged 108!Balm
27. Feverfew was a herb for colds and fevers. It was the aspirin of early England as it was frequently recommended for headaches, rheumatism and general aches and pains.Feverfew


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_so_entertainment_was_saved_until_Sundays_when_most_people_would_have_a_day_off

Question 1 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_round_theatres_in_the_towns._The_well-off_sat_in_covered_seats_on_each_side,_while_poorer_people_stood_up_in_an_open_area_in_front_of_the_stage_called_the_pit._They_laughed_at_the_actors'_jokes,_or_booed_and_jeered_if_they_did_not_like_the_play._Only_men_could_be_actors_so_teenage_boys_played_all_the_female_parts_dressed_in_women's_clothes,_wigs_and_make-up.

Question 2 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_who_wrote_plays_such_as:_Hamlet,_Romeo_and_Juliet_and_Macbeth.

Question 3 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_or_found_work_in_noble_families'_great_houses._There,_they_played_gentle_music_on_flutes,_lutes_and_viols,_or_sang_madrigals_(songs_with_different_parts_for_four_or_more_people)_while_lords_and_ladies_at_their_meals._This_was_followed_by_the_latest_lively_tunes_for_dancing._Tudor_dances_were_very_energetic,_with_lots_of:_leaps,_jumps,_twists_and_twirls._Noble_ladies_also_played_a_keyboard_instrument_called_the_virginals,_which_made_a_gentle,_tinkling_sound.

Question 4 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_wrestling_and_archery_were_favourite_outdoor_sports_for_poor_people._A_type_of_football_was_also_very_popular_-_neighbouring_villages_would_often_play_against_each_other_in_matches_that_would_last_all_day._The_goal_posts_would_be_placed_about_a_mile_apart_and_the_players_could:_throw,_kick_or_pick_up_the_ball_as_they_run_through_the_streets_and_across_the_fields._It_was_a_very_rough_game_and_people_were_often_injured.

Question 5 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_it_was_played_indoors_and_the_ball_could_be_bounced_off_the_walls._Rackets_were_made_of_wood_and_strung_with_sheep_gut,_whilst_the_balls_were_made_of_leather_and_filled_with_hair.

Question 6 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge

Question 7 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_silk_and_precious_metals).

Question 8 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_after_Queen_Elizabeth_I.

Question 9 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_which_he_did_between_1577_and_1580_in_his_ship_The_Golden_Hind._He_was_knighted_by_Queen_Elizabeth_I_for_his_courage_and_all_the_treasures_he_brought_back,_such_as_spices_from_the_Indies_and_plundered_Spanish_silver_and_treasure.

Question 10 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_on_his_ship,_the_Matthew,_hoping_to_find_a_shorter_route_to_Asia._After_a_month_however,_he_discovered_an_unknown_land_which_he_called_it_'new_found_land'_-_today_it_is_known_as_Newfoundland_in_Canada.

Question 11 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_often_raiding_Spanish_ships_as_he_went.

Question 12 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_they_ate_too_much_meat_and_fat_and_not_enough_fruit_and_vegetables._If_families_were_poor,_they_sometimes_had_to_survive_on_bread_alone.

Question 13 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_served_at_around_11_o'clock_in_the_morning._The_would_eat_with_their_fingers,_knives_and_spoons._There_were_no_forks.

Question 14 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_and_stored_fruit_and_vegetables_in_cold_attics_and_barns_to_eat_in_winter_time.

Question 15 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_pigs_and_wild_boar._Game_was_also_popular_and_included_pigeons,_pheasants_and_partridges._Animals_would_be_kept_all_year_round_and_only_killed_just_before_they_needed_to_be_eaten_to_make_sure_the_meat_was_always_fresh.

Question 16 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge

Question 17 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_such_as:_potatoes,_pineapples,_chillies_and_avocados.

Question 18 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_so_honey_was_often_used_instead_to_sweeten_food.

Question 19 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_milk,_egg_yolks,_breadcrumbs_and_parsley.

Question 20 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_which_was_often_polluted_with_sewage.

Question 21 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_or_'simples'_as_they_were_called.

Question 22 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge'knot'_garden_named_after_its_shape,_complemented_by_a_practical_and_well_stocked_herb_garden._Close_to_the_kitchen_would_be_the_'still_room'._Here_the_industrious_housewife_concocted_her_remedies.

Question 23 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge

Question 24 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge!

Question 25 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_who_drank_lots_of_balm_tea,_said_it_was_the_reason_he_lived_so_long._He_died_aged_108!

Question 26 (of 27)


Tudor Life: QR Challenge,_rheumatism_and_general_aches_and_pains.

Question 27 (of 27)