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QR Challenge: Euro History Review

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. French-born Christian humanist (1509–1564) and founder of one of the major branches of the Protestant Reformation; he led the reform movement in Geneva, Switzerland, from 1541 to 1564John Calvin
2. A general council of the Catholic church that met between 1545 and 1563 to set Catholic doctrine, reform church practices, and defend the church against the Protestant challenge.Council of Trent
3. The English king (r. 1509–1547) who first opposed the Protestant Reformation and then broke with the Catholic church, naming himself head of the Church of England in the Act of Supremacy of 1534.Henry VIII
4. Sixteenth-century Protestants who believed that only adults could truly have faith and accept baptism.Anabaptists
5. A German monk who started the Protestant Reformation by challenging the practices and doctrines of the Catholic church and advocating salvation through faith alone.Martin Luther
6. The treaty of 1555 that settled disputes between Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and his Protestant princes. It recognized the Lutheran church and established the principle that all Catholic or Lutheran princes enjoyed the sole right to determine the religion of their lands and subjects.Peace of Augsburg
7. Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1519–1556) and the most powerful ruler in sixteenth-century Europe; he had trouble dealing with Martin Luther.Charles V
8. John Calvin's doctrine that God preordained salvation or damnation for each person before creation; those chosen for salvation were considered the “elect.”Predestination
9. Those that argued during the sixteenth-century French Wars of Religion that compromise in matters of religion would strengthen the monarchy.politiques
10. English queen (r. 1558–1603) who oversaw the return of the Protestant Church of England and, in 1588, the successful defense of the realm against the Spanish Armada.Elizabeth I
11. Italian-born mother of French king Charles IX (r. 1560–1574); she served as regent and tried but failed to prevent religious warfare between Calvinists and Catholics.Catherine de Medici
12. The settlement of the Thirty Years' War.Peace of Westphalia
13. The decree issued by French king Henry IV in 1598 that granted the Huguenots a large measure of religious toleration.Edict of Nantes
14. King of Spain (r. 1556–1598) and the most powerful ruler in Europe; he reigned over the western Habsburg lands and all the Spanish colonies recently settled in the New World.Philip II
15. The massacre of thousands of French Huguenots by Catholic mobs in 1572.St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
16. Writer who advocated belief that a ruler's legitimacy comes from the laws of nature and that these take precedence over the actions of a particular ruler or religious group.Hugo Grotius
17. Elizabeth I of England’s two greatest threats to her throne.Mary Queen of Scots and The Spanish Armada
18. The idea that all Christians can read and interpret the Bible on their own without help.priesthood of all believers
19. The seller of indulgences who served as Martin Luther’s “law straw.”Johann Tetzel
20. The name for French ProtestantsHuguenots
21. True or False: The economic recession of the early seventeenth century, despite having a negative effect on men, actually had a positive effect on European womenFalse
22. During the 17th century economic power shifted from Spain, Portugal, and the Mediterranean world to the nations of northwestern Europe.T
23. There was a period of global cooling in the seventeenth century. Name two consequences of this “Little Ice Age.” lower crop yields, disruption of trade networks, famine, population decline
24. The Catholic writer and Christian humanist who inadvertently criticized the Catholic Church in his books.Erasmus
25. Martin Luther strongly condemned this war because he believed his ideas on equality did not pertain to the lower classes.Peasants’ War.
26. Members of a Catholic religious order approved by the pope in 1540; they served as missionaries and educators all over the world.Jesuits
27. Technology that allowed religious reformers to spread their ideas quickly.printing press
28. Name of the Protestant Church founded in England.Anglican Church
29. Medici Pope that used indulgences to help build St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.Leo X
30. Swedish king who invaded the Holy Roman Empire during the Thirty Years’ War.Gustavus Adolphus
31. A general intellectual trend in the sixteenth century that coupled love of classical learning, as in Renaissance humanism, with an emphasis on Christian piety.Christian Humanism


Euro History Review: QR Challenge–1564)_and_founder_of_one_of_the_major_branches_of_the_Protestant_Reformation;_he_led_the_reform_movement_in_Geneva,_Switzerland,_from_1541_to_1564

Question 1 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge,_reform_church_practices,_and_defend_the_church_against_the_Protestant_challenge.

Question 2 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge–1547)_who_first_opposed_the_Protestant_Reformation_and_then_broke_with_the_Catholic_church,_naming_himself_head_of_the_Church_of_England_in_the_Act_of_Supremacy_of_1534.

Question 3 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge

Question 4 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge

Question 5 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge

Question 6 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge–1556)_and_the_most_powerful_ruler_in_sixteenth-century_Europe;_he_had_trouble_dealing_with_Martin_Luther.

Question 7 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge's_doctrine_that_God_preordained_salvation_or_damnation_for_each_person_before_creation;_those_chosen_for_salvation_were_considered_the_“elect.”

Question 8 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge

Question 9 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge–1603)_who_oversaw_the_return_of_the_Protestant_Church_of_England_and,_in_1588,_the_successful_defense_of_the_realm_against_the_Spanish_Armada.

Question 10 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge–1574);_she_served_as_regent_and_tried_but_failed_to_prevent_religious_warfare_between_Calvinists_and_Catholics.

Question 11 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge'_War.

Question 12 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge

Question 13 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge–1598)_and_the_most_powerful_ruler_in_Europe;_he_reigned_over_the_western_Habsburg_lands_and_all_the_Spanish_colonies_recently_settled_in_the_New_World.

Question 14 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge

Question 15 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge's_legitimacy_comes_from_the_laws_of_nature_and_that_these_take_precedence_over_the_actions_of_a_particular_ruler_or_religious_group.

Question 16 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge’s_two_greatest_threats_to_her_throne.

Question 17 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge

Question 18 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge’s_“law_straw.”

Question 19 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge

Question 20 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge,_despite_having_a_negative_effect_on_men,_actually_had_a_positive_effect_on_European_women

Question 21 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge,_Portugal,_and_the_Mediterranean_world_to_the_nations_of_northwestern_Europe.

Question 22 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge“Little_Ice_Age.”

Question 23 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge

Question 24 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge

Question 25 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge;_they_served_as_missionaries_and_educators_all_over_the_world.

Question 26 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge

Question 27 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge

Question 28 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge’s_Basilica_in_Rome.

Question 29 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge’_War.

Question 30 (of 31)


Euro History Review: QR Challenge,_as_in_Renaissance_humanism,_with_an_emphasis_on_Christian_piety.

Question 31 (of 31)