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QR Challenge: Civil War Review

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. Focus on the interests of one's own regionSectionalism
2. To withdraw from a larger unit one belongs tosecede
3. What year did the Civil War begin?1861
4. What was the main dispute in the Civil War?Slavery
5. What was another name for the North & the South?Union & Confederacy
6. How many states were in the Union34
7. How many states were in the Confederacy?11
8. Choose the best definition of the term "border state."slaves states that remained loyal to the United States
9. What was one advantage held by the South during the war?defending their own territory
10. What was one advantage held by the North during the war?greater industrial resources
11. What was the South's main advantage during the war?better leaders/generals
12. Who had more men, weapons, and naval technology?the Union
13. A political party formed to prevent the spread of slaveryRepublican Party
14. AN Illinois lawyer who became the 16th President of the US by winning the election of 1860.Abraham Lincoln
15. What was the first state to secede?South Carolina
16. What was the name for the Union strategy during the war?Anaconda Plan
17. Who had a strategy that called for fighting a defensive war?The South
18. One part of the Union's strategy called for the capture of __________, the Confederacy's capital.Richmond, Virginia
19. Why did the Union want to take control of the Mississippi River?to cut the Confederacy in half, stopping troops & supply movements
20. What was the purpose of the Union's naval blockade?to cut-off Southern trade & ruin the Confederate economy
21. What effect did the Union blockade have on the South?created a shortage of supplies
22. Who had the advantage fighting to defend their homeland?The Confederacy
23. Who had the advantage in population - 22 million to 9 million?The Union
24. Who had the advantage in war resources - factories, railroads, workers, farmland, etc.?The Union
25. This battle was enough of a victory for Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation.Antietam
26. This battle is considered the turning point in the war.Gettysburg
27. Final battle of Civil War - Lee surrenders to Grant.Appomattox
28. Grant won this battle, taking control of the Mississippi River.Vicksburg
29. Sherman's __________ tore up major rail lines, burned cities, & broke the South's will to fight.March to the Sea
30. What Southern general became famous in the battle of Bull Run?Thomas Stonewall Jackson
31. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?Freed the slaves in the South & allowed African-Americans to join the army
32. What Amendment outlawed slavery?13th Amendment
33. Lincoln said our country was conceived in liberty. What did he mean?founded for freedom
34. Lincoln said the soldiers had consecrated the land. What did he mean?they made it a sacred site
35. What was so special about "four score and seven years ago" in the Gettysburg Address?the Declaration of Independence
36. Lincoln believes that victory for the Union will result in.a new birth of freedom and equality
37. The strategy of burning railroads, factories, and farmland.Total Warfare
38. Who was the President of the Confederacy?Jefferson Davis
39. Who was the President of the Union?Abraham Lincoln
40. Who was the General of the Army of Northern Virginia (the South)?Robert E. Lee
41. Who was the General of the Army of the Potomac (the North)?Ulysses S. Grant
42. How was Lincoln assassinated?he was shot in the back of the head at a theater
43. Less than a week after the end of the Civil War ended, Lincoln was assassinated by.John Wilkes Booth
44. Most common cause of death in the Civil War.Disease/Infection
45. Reason for such a high death count during the Civil War.Old Tactics/New Weapons


Civil War Review: QR Challenge's_own_region

Question 1 (of 45)


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Question 5 (of 45)


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Question 6 (of 45)


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Question 7 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge"border_state."

Question 8 (of 45)


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Question 9 (of 45)


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Question 10 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge's_main_advantage_during_the_war?

Question 11 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge,_weapons,_and_naval_technology?

Question 12 (of 45)


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Question 13 (of 45)


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Question 15 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 16 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 17 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge's_strategy_called_for_the_capture_of___________,_the_Confederacy's_capital.

Question 18 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 19 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge's_naval_blockade?

Question 20 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 21 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 22 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 23 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge,_railroads,_workers,_farmland,_etc.?

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Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 25 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 26 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 27 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge,_taking_control_of_the_Mississippi_River.

Question 28 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge's____________tore_up_major_rail_lines,_burned_cities,_&_broke_the_South's_will_to_fight.

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Civil War Review: QR Challenge

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Civil War Review: QR Challenge

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Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 33 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 34 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge"four_score_and_seven_years_ago"_in_the_Gettysburg_Address?

Question 35 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 36 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge,_factories,_and_farmland.

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Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 38 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 39 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 40 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 41 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 42 (of 45)


Civil War Review: QR Challenge,_Lincoln_was_assassinated_by.

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Civil War Review: QR Challenge

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Civil War Review: QR Challenge

Question 45 (of 45)