QR Challenge: Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8
Teacher Notes
A. Prior to the lesson:
1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.
2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to
- Download a QR reader (e.g. I-Nigma | NeoReader | Kaywa) onto their mobile devices
- Bring these devices into the lesson.
3. Print out the QR codes.
4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.
B. The lesson:
1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.
2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.
3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!
4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.
Questions / Answers (teacher reference)
Question | Answer |
1. I have lived for two billion seconds. How old am I next birthday? | 64
| | 3. A wire forms a 4 by 3 rectangle. This wire is then made into a square. What is the area of this square? | 12.25
| 4.
| | 5. What is the smallest possible difference between two different nine-digit integers, each of which includes all of the digits 1 to 9? | 9
| 6.
| | 7. What is the value of the radius of the circle where the circumference has the same value as the area? | 2
| 8.
| | 9. This year, 2015 began on a Thursday, which day does it finish on? | Thursday
| 10.
| | 11. If I buy a prepaid bus card for $60, I get 20 rides. Without the card each ride would cost me $3.80. What is the percentage decrease if I buy a bus card? | 21%
| 12.
| | 13. There is a triangle with coordinates (x, 0), (0, y) and (x, y). Find an expression for the area of this triangle. | xy/2
| 14.
| | 15. Two 6-sided dice are thrown and the result on the red dice is always divided by the result on the blue dice. What is the probability of getting an integer? | 14/36
| 16.
| | 17. The numbers from zero to fourteen are grouped in 5 sets of three, and the numbers added. This produces 5 consecutive numbers. Find them. | 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
| 18.
| | 19. Three dice in a row are showing three different digits. If the sum of these three different digits is 15, what is the sum of the bottom numbers on the three dice? | 6
| 20.
| | 21. When throwing a six-sided dice the average or expected value is 3.5. What is the average or expected value of a decahedral dice? | 5.5
| 22.
| | 23. Some cuboids are to be made from a cube of clay with a side of 3cm. If the sides must be whole numbers and all the clay must be used making one cuboid at a time, what are the possible dimensions of the cuboids? | 1x3x9 and 1x1x27
| 24.
| | 25. If an xth plus a yth is equal to a half, find values for x and y if x does not equal y. | 6,3
| 26.
| | 27. A square is drawn with vertices on these coordinates: (1, 0), (3, 1), (2, 3), (0, 2). What is the area of this square? | 5 |

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 1 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 2 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 3 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 4 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 5 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 6 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 7 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 8 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 9 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 10 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
https://www.classtools.net/QR/decode.php?text=If_I_buy_a_prepaid_bus_card_for_$60,_I_get_20_rides.__Without_the_card_each_ride_ would_cost_me_$3.80.__What_is_the_percentage_decrease_if_I_buy_a_bus_card?
Question 11 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 12 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 13 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 14 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 15 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 16 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 17 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 18 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
https://www.classtools.net/QR/decode.php?text=Three_dice_in_a_row_are_showing_three_different_digits.__If_the_sum_of_these_three_ different_digits_is_15,_what_is_the_sum_of_the_bottom_numbers_on_the_three_dice?
Question 19 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 20 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
https://www.classtools.net/QR/decode.php?text=When_throwing_a_six-sided_dice_the_average_or_expected_value_is_3.5.__What_is_the_ average_or_expected_value_of_a_decahedral_dice?
Question 21 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 22 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 23 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 24 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 25 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 26 (of 27)

Academic Day - Mathematics Challenge 8: QR Challenge
Question 27 (of 27)