QR Challenge: Math and Science Scavenger Hunt
Teacher Notes
A. Prior to the lesson:
1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.
2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to
- Download a QR reader (e.g. I-Nigma | NeoReader | Kaywa) onto their mobile devices
- Bring these devices into the lesson.
3. Print out the QR codes.
4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.
B. The lesson:
1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.
2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.
3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!
4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.
Questions / Answers (teacher reference)
Question | Answer |
1. What are the three properties of air? | has weight and presses on things, takes up space, has layers
2. What do meteorologists do? | study the atmosphere and weather
| 3. 7X8 | 56
| 4. What is used to measure temperature? | a thermometer
| 5. 9X4 | 36
| 6. What is used to measure the amount of rain we get? | a rain gauge
| 7. 4X6 | 24
| 8. What do we call any type of water than falls from the sky? | precipitation
| 9. 6X7 | 42
| 10. In what layer of the atmosphere does the weather occur? | troposphere
| 11. 38X4 | 152
| 12. How much would 30 inches of snow be equal to in inches of rain? | 3 inches
| 13. 54X7 | 378
| 14. What is wind? | the movement of air
| 15. What is used to measure the amount of snow we receive? | a snow board
| 16. If Bill had $40 to give to 5 friends, how much would each friend get? | $8
| 17. What is used to measure wind direction? | a weather vane
| 18. How much do nine 200 pound white tail deer weigh? | 1,800 pounds
| 19. What is used to weather wind speed? | an anemometer
| 20. Would seven 300 pound polar bears weigh more or less than one ton(2,000 pounds)? | more
| 21. 12X12 | 144
| 22. Three friends share $75, how much does each friend get? | $25
| 23. Would six 250 seals weigh more or less than one ton (2,000 pounds)? | less
| 24. 236X2 | 472
| 25. Name one tool that is used to collect weather data. | answer varies
| 26. 487X5 | 2,435
| 27. What is a weather map? | a map that shows weather data
| 28. Any number multiplied by zero equals what? | 0
| 29. What is the highest layer of the atmosphere? | the thermosphere
| 30. What was the most interesting thing you learned in this science chapter? | answer varies |

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 1 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 2 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 3 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 4 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 5 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 6 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 7 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 8 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 9 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 10 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 11 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 12 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 13 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 14 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 15 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 16 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 17 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 18 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 19 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 20 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 21 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 22 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 23 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 24 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 25 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 26 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 27 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 28 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 29 (of 30)

Math and Science Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge
Question 30 (of 30)