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QR Challenge: CollettClassTudors

What is our topic this term?The Tudors
Who was Henry VIII?A Tudor King who ruled from 1509 - 1547
How many wives did Henry VIII have?6
Which queen outlived Henry VIII?Catherine Parr
What flower would you associate with the Tudor period?Roses
What do Tudor Houses look like?description
Did girls go to school?some poor children did not go to school.
What did the Tudors do when they had been to the toilet?throw it out the window
What did the children use for a football?A blown up pig's bladder
What were pebbles and cherry stones used for by children? marbles
How many days a week did children go to school?6
Can you name Henry VIII six wives? Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boelyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, Catherine Parr.
What is a whipping boy? rich families could afford to employ a whipping boy, when the rich child was naughty it was the whipping boy who took the punishment.
How many children did Henry VIII have?3
What was the main diet for The Tudors? 75% of the diet was meat, homemade bread, in season fruit and vegetables
What was scurvy?description
What did rich Tudors wear?colourful
What is the Mary Rose?war ship
How did the Tudors entertain themselves? jousting, football, music, hunting, tennis
What was a Tudor Street like?description
