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QR Challenge: Unit 2 US History Review

Define manifest destiny. The belief that God wanted the US to expand all the way to the Pacific Ocean.
What were some of the ways that the US expanded during the early and mid 1800s? Louisiana Purchase, Oregon Trail, War with Mexico, Gadsden Purchase
What was the Monroe Doctrine? US told Europe that it could not colonize or interfere with any country in the Western Hemisphere.
How did westward expansion impact white men? It gave them more land and opportunities.
How did westward expansion impact Native Americans and Mexicans? It caused them to lose land and face discrimination.
How did the Erie Canal help westward expansion? Easier to move people and goods to the midwest.
How did the telegraph help westward expansion? Communicate over long distances.
How did the steel plow help westward expansion? Break through tough prarie sod and dirt.
How did the mechanical reaper help westward expansion? Easier and quicker to harvest wheat.
How did the cotton gin and interchangeable parts increase sectionalism? One made the South more dependent on slavery while the other made the North more dependent on factories.
How did westward expansion increase sectionalism? There was a fight over whether new states should be free or slave.
How did Congress try to resolve the issue over new states? Missouri Compromise, Wilmot Proviso, Compromise of 1850
Were the compromises over the expansion of slavery successful? No, fighting over slavery will continue until the Civil War.
How did the government increase its power during the early to mid 1800s? Louisiana Purchase, Marbury v. Madison, and the Trail of Tears all increased the power of the federal government.
How did Andrew Jackson increase democracy? He pushed for the common man to be able to vote by dropping property requirements.
How did Andrew Jackson limit rights? He enforced the Indian Removal Act, causing the Cherokee to walk the Trail of Tears.
What were some of the reform movements that grew during the 1800s? Temperance, women's rights, prison reform, education reform, utopian communities, abolitionism.
Define nativism. The support of native born over immigrants.
