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QR Challenge: Microbiology

how are viruses, bacteria, and parasites alike?They can infect a host and cause disease.
What is a major difference between an epidemic and a pandemic?An epidemic affects fewer people than a pandemic.
Several people contract the same flu-like symptoms in a particular city. Other cases with the same symptoms show up across the state but the concentration remains localized in a few original cities. Some cases turn up elsewhere in the nation but doesn’t catch on everywhere. In the cities where the flu-like symptoms rate remains more than you would expect to normally see would be an example of an epidemic. How could this scenario turn into a pandemic?It could spread to more people or to more locations.
Are viruses living or non-living?non-living
What kind of cells are bacteria?prokaryotic
What are viruses composed of (give 2)DNA/RNA and a protein coat
What do viruses need to reproduce?A host cell
What generally happens to a host cell after a virus uses its enzymes and organelles to reproduce?dies
List 3 ways viruses can be transmitted.human contact, insect bite, water
What is used to prevent viruses?vaccines
What kind of cells are bacteria?prokaryotic
Why are bacteria so prolific?Because they can live in a variety of places, including extreme environments
A bacterial population can double very quickly, what makes this possible?Bacteria reproduce using binary fission.
What is used to treat bacterial infections?antibiotics
What is the problem that we are having with the overuse of antibiotics?Overuse is causing antibiotic resistance.
Are fungi eukaryotic or prokaryotic?eukaryotic
What is the difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?eukaryotic have membrane bound organelles which prokaryotic do not.
Fungi reproduce both asexually and sexually, describe the advantages of both types of reproduction.asexually offers quick, one individual and sexual offers genetic recombination which offers adaptations to the environment
Other than attacking us directly, what other hazards do fungi cause humans (minimum 2)?attack our food source and mold spore allergies
What is a parasite?an organism that feeds on another individual
Give an example of how a parasite is specifically adapted to its host.the tapeworm does not have an intestinal track
How are an epidemic and a pandemic different?An epidemic is not as widespread as a pandemic. An epidemic also affects less individuals than a pandemic.
