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QR Challenge: Intro to the Renaissance Period

Time Period of the Renaissance?1
What does the word "Renaissance" mean?2
List at least two famous Renaissance artists.3
Define the following terms: Tragedy, Soliloquy, Monologue, and Aside.4
List five new developments that occurred during the Renaissance.5
Name five important inventions that were developed during the Renaissance.6
What new inventions changed warfare, thus ending the age of chivalry and knightly hand-to-hand combat?7
In 1533, how did Henry VIII defy the Catholic Church?8
In 1534, who became head of the Church in England?9
What version of the Bible was published in 1611?10
Who are the Tudors? List at least 4 members of the Tudor Family. 11
List Henry VIII’s six wives and what happened to them. 12
When was Shakespeare born? 13
List Three famous plays by Shakespeare. 14
List three interesting facts about Shakespeare.15
