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QR Challenge: The War of the Worlds Chapter 1-8

How far is Mars from the sun according to the narrator? 140 million miles
How much light does Mars receive from the Sun, compared to the light Earth receives? About half
What must first be present in order for life to begin according to the narrator? Temperature cooling
How far is Mars from Earth? 35 milliom miles
In what area of knowledge does the narrator say the Martians are clearly superior? Mathematics
In what year did the Martian invasion begin? 1894
Who is Ogilvy? An astronomer
What are the gas jets in the sky orginally assumed to be? Missiles
Who is the first person to see the cylinder when it crashes? Ogilvy
What does the narrator first call the cylinder? The thing
How does the narrator react when he reads an article about the cylinder at the end of Chapter 2? Goes back to the site
What is the London newspaperÅ› headline the day afte the first cylinder crashes? Message Received from Mars
What two emotions does the narrator experience after the firt Martian appears? fear and curiosity
What can survive the heat ray? nothing
What happens to the narrator as he runs home after the heat ray? asdf
WHat does the narrator say could kill all of the Martians, as he tries to reassure his wife? A shell
How do most of the people react to the invasion on the first Friday after the cylinder lands? They have not taken much notice of it.
