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QR Challenge: Digital Citizenship

Digitalusing or characterized by computer technology
Netiquetterules about the proper and polite way to communicate with other people when you are using the Internet
Bloga Web site that contains online personal reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer
Wikia Web site that allows visitors to make changes, contributions, or corrections
(Hash)taga word or phrase preceded by the symbol # that classifies or categorizes the accompanying text
Social Mediaforms of electronic through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content
Phishinga scam by which an e-mail user is duped into revealing personal or confidential information which the scammer can use illicitly
FeedsTo distribute to a larger audience or group of receivers by way of a network.
PodcastAudio digital recording as a program
Bookmarkto identify and store a website so that one can return to it easily
CopyrightThe legal right granted to an author, composer, playwright, publisher, or distributor to exclusive publication, production,sale, or distribution of a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work.
Citizenshipthe character of an individual viewed as a member of society
VodcastVideo digital recording as a program
Vloga blog that contains video material
Cyberbullyingonline harassment, which can be in the form of flames, comments made in chat rooms, the sending of offensive or cruel e-mail, or even harassing others by posting on blogs, Web pages or social networking sites.
IdentityTheftcrimewherebycriminalsimpersonateindividuals,usuallyfor financialgain.Ifathiefisabletoaccessyourpersonalinformation,s/hecan useittocommitfraudinyourname
