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QR Challenge: Chapter 7 - The Solar System

GeocentricModel that stated that the Earth was in the center of the universe
HeliocentricModel that stated that the sun was in the center of the universe
EllipseOval-shaped path the planets take around the sun
Solar systemthe sun, the planets, their moons, and a variety of smaller objects
Astronomical unitused to measure distances within the solar system
Planetobject that orbits the sun, is round, and has cleared
Dwarf planetobject that orbits the sun, is spherical, but has not cleared the area of its orbit
Planetesimalsmall body that combined with like bodies to form all
Nuclear fusionjoining of hydrogen atoms to form helium occurring in the sun
Terrestrial planetName given to the 4 inner planets
Greenhouse effectTrapping of heats and gases that causes an increase in a planet’s surface temperature
Gas giantName given to the 4 outer planets
RingThin disc of small particles of ice and rock
Asteroid beltregion of the solar system between Mars and Jupiter
Kuiper beltOrigin of comets and asteroids
Oort cloudShell of icy objects that exists in the outer reaches of the solar system
Cometchunk of rock or dust smaller than an asteroid
Comafuzzy outer layer of a comet
Nucleussolid inner core of a comet
AsteroidSmall rocky body orbiting the sun
MeteoroidChunk of rock floating in space
Meteorstreak of light produced when a meteoroid enters
Meteoritemeteoroid found on Earth’s surface
