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QR Challenge: Decimal Scavenger Hunt

Katherine bought cosmetic items which cost $78.12 in total. She gave $100 to the shop keeper. How much does she receive as change?$21.88
The average distance from the Earth to the Sun is 92,589,230 miles. The distance from Earth to the moon is 92,350,373 miles less than the distance drom Earth to the Sun. Find the distance from Earth to the moon.238,857 miles
Samson bought 3 shirts which cost $12.30, $34.23 and $23.19 respectively. If Samson paid with a $100 bill how much change will he get back?$30.28
Kelly scored 56.73 points and Karen scored 74.92 points on her university exam. How many points less did Kelly score than Karen?18.19 points
Clara bought a brand new car for $26,086. The estimated value of the car after 5 years will be $15,990. If she sells the car after 5 years, by how much less money would she have?$10,096
Kayla spends 1.23 hours studying for an English test, 1.40 hours studying for a math test, and 0.39 hours studying for science. How many hours does she spend studying? Round to the nearest whole number.3.00 hours
A mixture is obtained by mixing two products A and B respectively. Product A weighs 234.56 grams and the mixture weighs 988.76 grams total. How much does product B weigh?754.2 grams
What is the difference between the SMALLEST 6-digit whole number and the GREATEST 4-digit whole number?90,001
Kevin measures a triangular plate whose sides are 12.4 inches, 9.45 inches and 10.35 inches respectively. What is the perimeter of a tringular plate?32.2inches
David's home is 12.53 miles away from the lake and 16.73 miles away from his school. How much farther is David's school from the lake?4.2 miles
Mr. Milson donates a $3,599 check for the Haiti relief fund. The amount in his account is $108,458. What will be the balance in his account once teh check clears?$104,859
Catherine bought a tomato, a chicken, and an onion. The respective weights of these items were 2.12kg, 1.45kg adn 3.19kg. What is the total weight of the items bought?6.76kg
Amy has $8.65 and her brother, Al, has 6 quarters, 3 dimes and 10 nickles. How much money do they have altogether?$10.95
The U.S. weather bureau at the airport reported that 3.43 inches of rain fell during the first half of November. Anoter 2.88 inches fell during the 2nd half of that month. Did November's rainfall break November's record of 6.24 inches held since 1963? how do you know?Yes, because 6.31>6.24
Round 863.453 to the nearest tenth.863.5
Doug drew a grid with seven cells in a row. The pattern he used was: hundreths increase by 1 as you move to the right. The number .90 is found in the middle cell. What are the remaining six numbers in Doug's grid?.87,.88,.89,.90,.91,.92,.93
Solve: $366.09 + $92.86$478.95
Solve: 0.54 + 3.754.29
Solve: 46.08 + 987.3211,033.401
Gerald has two $5 bills and three $10 bills. He spends $3.85 for a milkshake and $7.98 for a banana split. How much money does he have left?$28.17
