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QR Challenge: Number and Ops and Equation Review

Which pair of signs could go in the blanks to make this equation true? 14 ____ 3 = 3 _____ 14 +,+
If m + n = 46, then what is the value of n + m? 46
Which number comes next in the pattern? 40, 30, 21, 13, 6, … 0
Franklin wants to score 100 on his math test. He scored 82 on the first test, 85 on the second test, and 88 on the third test. If this pattern continues, on which test will Franklin score 100? seventh
Each term in this pattern is an expression. What is the next term in this expression? n x 2, n x 4, n x 8, n x 16, ….n x 32
A store sells new and used DVDs. Buying a new DVD costs 4 times as much as buying the same DVD used. Let n stand for the cost, in dollars, of a used DVD. If a new DVD costs $16, which equation best represents this situation? 4n=16
Julia is buying decorations for the school dance. One bag of balloons b, costs $2. At most, Julia can spend $10 on balloons. Which inequality could represent the number of bags of balloons she can buy? 2b<16
Solve: 11 = p-20 p=31
Solve: 84 = 7d d=12
What is the additive inverse for -3? 3
How would you solve the equation x/4 = 5 for x? Multiply both sides by 4
Which expression is equal to 2^4? 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
Which expression is equal to 4^5? 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4
The classroom is a square with a side length of 13 feet and an area of 169 square feet. How can you write the area in exponential form? 13^2
Use the order of operations to simplify. 22 - 6 ÷ 2 + 3 22
Which is the correct order of operations? PEMDAS
Use the order of operations to simplify. 15 ÷ (5 – 2) + 8 13
Write 100,000,000 as a power of 10 10^8
Is -2 an integer? Yes
Is 1/2 an integer? No
Name a positive or negative integer to represent spending $35 35
Write 10x10x10 as a power of 10 10^3
Write 10,000 as a power of 10 10^4
