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QR Challenge: Music Scavenger

The instruments in this family are hit, shaken, or scrapped to make a sound. Percussion Family
I am a member of the string family and you strum to play me.2 Guitar
I play very high notes. If you hold me to the side and blow I make beautiful sounds.3 Flute
My nickname is "ta".4 Quarter note
I mean very loud.5 Fortissimo
Some people call me a hashtag but that's not really my name.6 Sharp
I have 4 strings and I play the lowest notes in my family.7 Bass
My name is difficult to say but grab a mallet I'm easy to play.8 Xylophone
I look like a fancy S but I tell you which notes to play on my clef.9 Treble Clef
I am a melodic instrument I have whack in my name just don't hit to hard.10 Boomwhacker
Shake, shake, shake. Shake your...11 Maracas
My nickname is "ti-ti". 12 Beamed eighth notes
I was a child genius. I wrote music during the classical period.13 Wolfgang A. Mozart
The instruments in my family shine bright like the stars we are.14 Brass Family
Life without music would be...15 Flat
