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QR Challenge: Microscopic Muscle

What is the functional unit of muscle?sarcomere
The light bands are calledI bands
A muscle fiber is amuscle cell
The thick myofilamentmyosin
Neurotransmitter involved in muscle contractionsacetylcholine
Connects a muscle to the bonetendon
The connective tissue covering each myofiberendomysium
A bundle of myofibersfasicle
The connective tissue covering the muscle and is continuous with the tendonepimysium
Which muscle tissue has intercalated discs?cardiac
From Z line to Z line is asarcomere
The A band appears dark because of the filamentmyosin
The theory that exlains a muscle contractionsliding filament theory
Inside a muscle cell are hundreds of _______ that contain actin and myosinmyofibrils
Muscle tissue that is voluntary, striated and multinucleatedskeletal
The covering around each fascicleperimysium
