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QR Challenge: The Solar System in the Universe

Which star is at the center of our Solar System?Sun
What is the diameter of Sun?1,392,684 km (865,374 mi).
What percent of the solar system’s mass does Sun holds?99.8 percent.
How many stars are in the Milky Way?more than 100 billion.
When was Sun born?roughly 4.6 billion years ago.
What is the distance between sun and earth?92,960,000 miles (149,600,000 km).
Sun’s Chemical Composition?71% of Hydrogen, 26.5% Helium and 2.5% of other elements.
How much time does sun rays take to reach earth?8 minutes.
Which planet is nearest to the earth?MERCURY.
Which planet is known as the Morning Star or the Evening Star?VENUS.
What is the diameter of MERCURY?3,032 miles (4,879 km).
What is the diameter of VENUS?7,521 miles (12,104 km).
What is the diameter of EARTH?7,918 miles (12,742 km).
What is the diameter of MARS?4,212 miles (6,779 km)
What is the diameter of JUPITER?86,881 miles (139,822 km).
What is the diameter of SATURN?120 536 kilometers
What is the diameter of URANUS?31,518 miles (50,724 km).
What is the diameter of NEPTUNE?30,599 miles (49,244 km).
What is the diameter of PLUTO?2360 kilometers.
Which is the largest planet in our solar system?JUPITER
Which Planet Has the Most Moons?the planet with the most number of moons is Jupiter with 66 moons
Which planet is closest to the sun?name of the closest planet to the sun is :Mercury
Which Is the Hottest Planet in the solar system?Venus.
Which Planets Have Rings around Them?Saturn,Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune (4 planets).
Which is the coldest and smallest of all planets?PLUTO.
