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QR Challenge: 3.4 Triangles and Congruence

1)segment TKsegment TK
2)Name the corresponding side.segment KJ
3)Name the corresponding angle.angle E
4)Name the corresponding angle.angle L
5)Name the corresponding side.segment SD
6)Name the corresponding side.segmentFG
15)Write a congruence statement.triangle EFG is congruent to triangle KLG
16)Write a congruence statement.triangle FED is congruent to triangle EFR
17)Write a congruence statement.triangle UVW is congruent to triangle QRS
18)Write a congruence statement.triangle SRQ is congruent to triangleSGI
19)Write a congruence statement.triangle EFG is congruent to triangle EFM
20)Write a congruence statement.triangle GFE is congruent to triangle FGX
21)Write a congruence statement.triangle CDE is congruent to triangle HEF
22)Write a congruence statement.triangle HIJ is congruent to triangle CBD
23)Write a congruence statement.triangle KLM is congruent to triangle UVM
24)Write a congruence statement.triangle BCD is congruent to triangle IHD
25)Write a congruence statement.triangle CBA is congruent to triangle CIJ
26)Write a congruence statement.triangle KML is congruent to triangle KTS
27)Write a congruence statement.triangle ABC is congruent to triangle BAT
28)Write a congruence statement.triangle MLK is congruent to triangle LMD
29)Write a congruence statement.triangleKML is congruent to triangle MKU
30)Write a congruence statement.triangle EFD is congruent to triangle FEU
