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QR Challenge: Scavenger Hunt Math Problems

Luke had 12 pencils, but gave away 5 to his best friends. How many pencils does Luke have now?7
What is 10 + 10?20
Which number comes next? 14, 15, 16, 17, ____18
John gave 4 slices of pizza to his friend Anna and ate 5. There are no more slices slices left. How many slices did the pizza have?9
How many cents are there in a quarter?25 cents
What is 16 – 4?12
What is 21 rounded to the nearest 10?20
How many sides does a triangle have?3
What is 4 + 4?8
What is 20 – 1?19
When counting backwards, what number comes next? 9, 8, 7, ____6
Put these numbers in order from lowest to greatest: 75, 100, 88,75,100
What is 40+40?80
What is 10 divided by 2?5
How many vertices does a pentagon have?5
How many sides does a square have?4
How many sides does a STOP sign have?8
