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QR Challenge: Industrialism vs Slavery Intro

The invention of new machines in Great Britain led to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.ok
One key element of Mass Production are interchangeable parts.ok
The Rhode Island System hired families to work in mills.ok
The Lowell System used young, unmarried women to work in water powered textile mills.ok
Trade Unions were formed by skilled workers to fight for better pay.ok
Development of steamboats and steam-powered trains led to the Transportation Revolution.ok
Coal replaced wood/timber as the main fuel source for steam engines.ok
Morse Code was sent over telegraph wires to communicate at long distances.ok
John Deere (steel plow) and Cyrus McCormick (Mechanical Reaper) improve farming and crop yields.ok
Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin led to a boom in the cotton industry and in the slave trade between states.ok
The South also grew corn, wheat, sugarcane, and tobacco.ok
About one-third of Southern families owned slaves.ok
Slaves were viewed as property, not people, in the South.ok
Field Work for slaves was hard work, while house slaves received better foods and clothing.ok
Most slaves feared separation from their families more than physical punishment.ok
Nat Turner's Rebellion in 1831 is the most violent slave revolt in U.S. History.ok
