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QR Challenge: Inventors & Engineers Scavenger Hunt

What "invention" did Vannevar Bush write about in a 1945 essay?computer
Who invented the frisbee?Walter Fredrick Morrison
Did Ben Franklin "invent" electricity?No
Which inventor was often called the "Lady Edison"? Beula Louise Henry
Who invented the microphone?Emile Berliner
Who was the inventor of the first television?John Logie Baird
Who invented the telephone?Alexander Graham Bell
Who invented the cotton gin? Eli Whitney
Who invented the light bulb? Ben Franklin
Since when has the toothbrush been in existence? 3000 BC
What were the first thermometers called?Thermoscope
Who invented the windshield wiper? Mary Anderson
Who invented the band aid? Earle Dickson
When was Coca-Cola invented?1886
What American inventor created hundreds of products from the peanut?George Washington Carver
