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QR Challenge: Mr.Gil's World History Regular Test

One factor essential to the development of early civilizations was —(A)the ability to produce surplus food(B)the taking of an annual census(C)the use of a standard medium of exchange(D)the emergence of a distinct caste system
Mercantilism drove colonization because—(A) It drove countries to export more than they imported, thus fueling the desire for raw materials(B)It drove colonies to import slaves in order to work their fields(C)It drove countries to import more than they exported, thus fueling the desire for wealth(D)It promoted merchants and their interests above all other social classes2
In Europe, a major characteristic of humanism was- (A) a belief in the supremacy of the state in relation to individual rights (B) an appreciation for the basic worth of individual achievement (C) an emphasis on social control and obedience to national rulers (D) a rejection of ancient civilizations and their cultures3
What were most of the explorers looking for on their expeditions?(A)The edge of the Earth(B)Giant sea monsters(C)New trading routes(D)New continents4
Martin Luther’s posting of his Ninety-five Theses in 1517 led to —(A)a decline in the expansion of overseas colonies (B) the beginning of the Crusades in the Middle East(C)a decline in the authority of the Catholic Church(D)the emergence of absolute monarchies5
A caravel is:(A)A type of tent used by Spaniards when exploring.(B)A festival in Spain to celebrate colonization of North America.(C)A swift easily maneuverable sailing ship. (D) A type of navigational instrument.6
Which answer best defines: 'Cape Good Hope'? (A) A town in Africa.(B)The name given to a knight.(C)The southern tip of South America.(D)The southern tip of Africa.7
The Silk Road allowed products to move between which of the following pairs of empires? (A)The Roman and Greek(B)The Han and Spanish(C)The Europeans and Asians (D) The Inca and Aztec8
The term “Columbian Exchange” refers primarily to—(A) the biological exchange between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres (B) the trade in gold from the Caribbean to Africa (C) the rewards that Spanish monarchs promised Columbus (D) European raw materials brought to the Caribbean for trade9
The greatest influence in spreading the ideas of the Renaissance from Italy to other parts of the world was – (A) the patronization of painters in Italy. (B) humanists traveling to other parts of Europe, preaching their ideas. (C) the invention of the movable metal type and the printing press. (D) the wealth of the Medici family.10
What were the main reasons for European exploration? (A) Introduce new crops and techniques (B) Overpopulation (C) Spread the English language (D) Territorial exploration, obtain wealth and spices11
What was the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama known for? (A) He opened his own school of navigation. (B) He found an all-water route to Asia by way of Africa and the Indian Ocean. (C) He found an all-water route to Asia by way of the Americas. (D) He named the tip of Africa the Cape of Good Hope because he hoped he had found a water route to Asia12
The greatest effect of the introduction of American food crops to Afro-Eurasia was – (A) Decreased cultivation of Old World crops (B) The destruction of former farming techniques as farmers struggled to cultivate New World crops (C) The loss of key Old World crops to the nutrient-hungry New World crops (D) Increased cultivation and an increased use of rural land, which supported a growing population13
Which of the following describes the reason for the spread of Renaissance culture through Europe? (A) Military expansion (B) The spread of learned scholars throughout the continent (C) The extensive travels of Christian missionaries (D) Economic prosperity and the circulation of printed books14
Between 1000 and 1450, which of the following innovations contributed to the growth of long-distance sea trade? (A) The needle compass (B) The Portuguese caravel (C) The improvement of mapmaking (D) All of the above15
