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QR Challenge: SSWH15- WWI, German Unification

How many German states were there before German unification?39
What German state is going to be successful in uniting all of Germany?2Prussia
Who came after Frederick William as King of Prussia and later would become emperor of Germany?3Wilhelm I
Who becomes the Prime Minister of Prussia and is known as the "Iron Chancellor?"4Otto Von Bismarck
What party supported Wilhelm and was made up of the strongly conservative landowning class in Prussia?5Junkers
Where was Wilhelm crowned after the Prussians defeated the French?6Versailles
The Allied Powers consisted of?7 France, Russia, Great Britain
The Triple Alliance consisted of?8Germany, Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary
When World War I started in 1914 most Americans wanted to?9 remain neutral
What is the policy of glorifying power and keeping an army prepared for war?10militarism
What region was referred to as the "powder keg" of Europe?11the Balkan Peninsula
The German plan quick (attack on the Western front and then attack the Russians) to defeat the allies in World War 12Schlieffen plan
European nations competing for colonies around the world is called _____________.13Imperalism
_______ Gas was one of the gases used in World War I as a weapon.14Mustard
Which statement summarizes the Schlieffen Plan that Germany created to prepare for a two-front war?15Attack France first, then Russia.
When people are proud of their country, culture and heritage, we can say they are ____________16Nationalistic
Why did Britain sell opium to China?17to improve the balance of trade between Britain and China
Which country did Japan sign the Treaty of Kanagawa which opened up ports for trade?18USA
What was the name of the naval officer that Millard Fillmore sent to meet with the shogun of Japan?19Commodore Perry
Who benefited from the gaining of extraterritorial rights in China?20foreigners
Russia and Japan went to war over what issue?21Manchuria
Around 1764, a textile worker named ____________ invented a spinning wheel he named after his daughter.22James Hargreaves
Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?23England
Boulton was an ______________, a person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business. He paid Watt a salary and encouraged him to build better engines.24entrepreneur
____________ which is the process of developing machine production of goods, required such resources.25Industrialization
