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QR Challenge: US History Quarterly Review

The Missouri Compromise is an example of what theme?Sectionalism
The Building of the Erie Canal had a positive effect on what city?New York Cit
The Industrial Revolution began where? British textile Mills.
How did President Jackson solve the problem of little farmland in the east?He passed the Indian Removal Act.
How was Jackson able to win the election of 1828?Lowered voting restrictions expanded the voting base.
What are the terms of the Missouri Compromise?Missouri would be a slave state. Maine would be a free state. Slavery would be prohibited North of the Louisiana territory.
Why does President Monroe create the Monroe Doctrine?to prevent European powers from colonizing this part of the globe.
What did Alexis de Tocqueville observe?America was in a constant state of change.
Was John C. Calhoun a States' Rights activist, or a nationalist. Tell me why?States rights.
James Monroe resided over the country during what period?The Era of Good Feelings.
What was the impact of the Embargo Act by Jefferson? Goods were left in warehouses.
Was the Louisiana Purchase consistent with Jefferson's views on the Constitution?NO
Why does Napoleon decide to sell Louisiana?He realizes having colonies here would be difficult.
Which president shrunk the size of government during his Presidency?Jefferson
Who believed a wealthy aristocracy was necessary for a stable government?Hamilton
Who was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court during the Marbury V. Madison case?John Marshall
Which battle made Andrew Jackson an American Hero?Battle of New Orleans.
How did Northern Values differ from Southern?South valued tradition, North valued progress.
