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QR Challenge: Digital Learning Day!

What is the name of one type of stain we have used in class to look at cells?Iodine or Methylene Blue
Complete the following equation: (6.4x10^3)(7.99x10^2) Put your answer in scientific notation.5.1136x10^6
What is the name of the plastic square that goes on top of a slide and specimen?Coverslip
Solve the following equation: (3.49x10^3)-(2.5x10^2) Put your answer in scientific notation.3.24x10^3
Where is coal formed?In swamps
Give a complete citation (as you would find on a Works Cited page) for TBITSPs.Boyne, John. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas: A Fable. Oxford: David Fickling, 2006. Print.
Properly quote any sentence from page 72 of TBITSPs, including the parenthetical reference/in-text citation.“Any sentence that looks legit” (Boyne 72).
Properly quote any sentence that contains DIALOGUE from a group member’s new IR book.“‘Any sentence where’s someone’s talking’” (Author’s last name page #).
Give the full names of each person who went into hiding in the Frank’s Secret Annex in 1942.Otto, Edith, Margot, and Anne Frank, Hermann, Auguste, and Peter van Pels, Fritz Pfeffer
The name of the main character of “The Third Wish” and the name of the main character of “The Monkey’s Paw”Mr. Peters, Mr. White
-8(-8x - 6) = -6x - 22-1
−(1 + 7x) − 6(−7 − x) = 365
−5(1 − 5x) + 5(−8x − 2) = −4x − 8x-5
Find the missing number: (q , 0), ( 4, 8), slope = 4q = 2
Find the missing number: (−2, y), (3, 4), slope = -1y = 9
How many grievances against England and King George III are listed in the Declaration of Independence?27
Which amendment in Bill of Rights protects people against cruel and unusual punishment?8
What part of the US Constitution starts with “We the people…”The Preamble
Where in the US Constitution does it say that the President is the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy?Article II, Section II
Who were the two delegates from New Hampshire who signed the US Constitution?John Langdon and Nicholas Gilman
