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QR Challenge: Anatomy & Physiology

Sclerathe "white" of the eye made up of dense connective tissue that covers all of the eye except the cornea
Lensa transparent structure that focuses light rays onto the retina
Optic Discblind spot
Pupilthe hole in the center of the iris through which light enters the eye
AntioxidantsVitamins C, E, and Beta Carotene inactivate oxygen free radicals
Water Solubletypes of vitamins dissolved in body fluids. included B and C
Conesphotoreceptors that help you see colors
Hyperopiaalso known as farsightedness
Cochleaa winding, cone-shaped tube forming a portion of the inner ear and containing the spiral organ (organ of Corti)
Retinathe inner coat of the eye. Contains photoreceptors
Astigmatisman irregularity of the lens or cornea of the eye causing the image to be out of focus and producing faulty vision
Conjunctivaepithelial layer that covers the sclera but not the cornea
Pinna (Auricle)the outside of the ear, you can pierce it with earrings
Long Bonethese bones are longer than they are wide
Flat Bonethin, flattened and usually curved bones
Compact Bonethe dense harder part of your bone
Skullthis structure is formed by the cranium and facial bones
Osteoblastsbone-forming cells
Papillaepeg-like structures house the taste buds
Special Sensesthey include smell, taste, vision, hearing and balance
Sacculeinferior and smaller of the two chambers in the membranous labyrinth inside the vestibule of the internal ear containing a receptor organ for static equilibrium
Rhodopsina red photopigment in the retinal rods of vertebrates; dissociates into retinene by light
Cerumenwax-like secretion produced by ceruminous glands in the the external auditory meatus (ear canal)
Eyeballthe common name for the eye, it houses all structures for sight
Eyelidsprotect the eyes from harm and keeps them moist when blinking
Auditory Ossiclesthree small bones in the ear. they vibrate to interpret sound from the eardrum to the cochlea
Rodsspecialized cells help you see shades of gray, light and movement
Myopiaalso known as nearsightedness. You can only see things that are close to you
Olfactory nervesa bipolar neuron with its cell body lying between supporting cells located in the mucous membrane lining the superior portion of each nasal cavity; transduces odors into neural signals
Taste budsstructures that help taste substances and are made up of gustatory receptor cells, supporting cells, and basal cells
Eyebrowsprotect the eye from sweat, dust, and debris
eyelashesprotect the eye from sweat, dust, and debris
Lacrimal apparatusAlso known as lacrimal ducts. a group of structures that produce and carry tears
Outer earpart of the ear that collects sound waves and passes them inward to deeper parts of the ear
Middle eara small, air-filled cavity between the ear and the inner ear
inner earit is divided into the outer bony labyrinth and inner membranous labyrinth
Corneathe transparent fibrous coat located in the front part of the eye that covers the iris
Spongy Bonebone made out of small needle-like pieces with lots of open space
Osteoclastsbone-destroying cells
Short bonecube shaped, typically spongy bones
Irregular Bonebones that do not have a typical shape
Skeletal Systemsystem that includes the bones, joints, cartilages and ligaments
nutrientschemical substances in food that body cells use for growth, maintenance and repair
vitaminsorganic nutrients required in small amounts to maintain growth and normal metabolism
mineralsinorganic elements that constitute about 4% of the total body weight. Mostly in the skeleton.
pro-vitaminsraw materials the body uses to assemble some vitamins
fat-soluble vitaminsvitamins A,D,E & K. Stored mostly in the liver
water-soluble vitaminstypes of vitamins dissolved in body fluids. Included B and C.
metabolismrefers to all the chemical reactions in the body
anabolismchemical reactions that combine small molecules to form bigger more complex ones
catabolismchemical reactions that break down large complex molecules
cellular respirationthe catabolism of glucose to produce ATP
glycolysisreactions in the cytosol that convert a 6 carbon glucose into 2 tree carbon pyruvic acid molecules
Krebs cyclea series of reactions that yield a high amount of ATP
glycogena chain made of many molecules of glucose
gluconeogenesisa series of reactions that form glucose from non carbohydrate sources
lipolysisa process that splits triglicerides into glycerol and fatty acids
antioxidant vitaminsVitamins C, E, and Beta Carotene inactivate oxygen free radicals
lipoproteinsspherical particles with an outer shell of proteins, phospholipids, and cholesterol molecules
chylomicronsform in absorptive epithelial cells of the small intestine and transport dietary lipids to adipose tissues for storage
VLDLstransport triglycerides made in liver cells to adipose cells for storage
LDLsKnown as "bad cholesterol". Can clog arteries
HDLsKnown as "good cholesterol", it prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood
essential amino acids10 of these amino acids must be present in your diet because your body can't synthesize them
nonessential amino acidsthese amino acids can be synthesized by the body
heata form of energy that can be measured as temperature and expressed in units called calories
temperaturea measurement for how much heat is emitted
caloriethis unit is used to measure the body's metabolic rate and to express the energy content of foods
basal metabolic ratethe rate at which heat is produced, usually measured in a quiet, resting, and fasting condition
shiveringa repetitive cycle that greatly increases the rate of heat production
fat solubleVitamins A, D, E, and K. Stored mostly in the liver
