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QR Challenge: World War II

Who were the Nazis?The Nazis was a political group who ruled Germany between 1933 and 1945. Its official name is National Socialist Party in Germany. This political group started WWII under Adolf Hitler leadership.
Why did people follow Hitler?People supported Hitler, because he promised them what they wanted to hear. Germans were tired of the poor quality of life, and Hitler promised them to make everyone proud again. He provided explanations for all the problems, and used Jews as scapegoats. He promised to restore German honor by tearing up the Treaty of Versailles.
Why was propaganda important during war?All the countries that participated in War used Propaganda. Propaganda helped accelerate the development of War. Without it the war would be smaller, and could have taken a different course.
How did propaganda influence people in World War 2?Propaganda encouraged people to support the war. It caused people to feel patriotic for their countries, and also makes them feel guilty, so in this way everybody supported war with what they could. Propaganda influences public opinion and makes people feel wrong if they don’t follow what it says.
What was the significance of the D-Day Invasion?It was the turning point of World War II. The D-day invasion opened a second front in Europe, and led to the liberation of France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and much of the Netherlands from Nazi occupation. The allies successfully invade Germany.
What was General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s plan to liberate France?General Dwight D. Eisenhower planned a plan named Operation Fortitude. This plan was to fool Germans, and make them think that they would attack in Pas de Calais. Days before the attack they mobilized inflatable troops to Pas de Calais to appear they were really attacking there. Finally, General Dwight D. called the invasion to Normandy, and surprised the Germans.
Why did the Allies decided to attack Italy first? Did that work?The Allies decided to attack Italy first, because in that way they could get Italy to surrender, and then it was easier to liberate France. Yes, the conquest of Sicily toppled Mussolini from power, so eventually Italy surrenders.
Why did the battle of El Alamein lead to Operation torch?The battle of El Alamein led to the Operation torch, because without the victory in El Alamein they would not have wanted to advance and create the Operation torch.
Why was the Battle of Stalingrad an unexpected attack in Hitler’s plans?It was a change in Hitler’s plan, it wasn't the original plan to attack Stalingrad, but since it was a major city he though it was better to attack there.
What was the final outcome of the Battle of Okinawa?The battle of Okinawa resulted in heavy losses for Japan and moved the Allies closer to an invasion of Japanese homeland.
Which were the effects of the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?This forced Japan to surrender, and the end of war. But radiation fallout from the two explosions killed many innocent people.
Which were some positive outcomes of WW2?The Allies won, the UN was created, and people got out from the Great Depression.
What were the major causes of World War 2?The three main causes of WW2 were the treaty of Versailles, the great depression, and fascist aggression. The immediate cause was Hitler invading Poland.
What would be different about the outcome if the Treaty of Versailles had had such hard terms on Germany?If the Treaty of Versailles wouldn’t had had such hard terms on Germany WW2 could be prevented, because the anger and the feeling of being cheated.
How did Fascism affect the decision of leaders like Mussolini and Hitler?The Fascist way of thinking in Mussolini and Hitler encouraged nationalism and militarism, thinking that they could start the war and win it. This made countries want to have a powerful military and feel superior.
How did the Great Depression contributed to the start of World War 2?The Great Depression was the largest and most important world wide economic depression in the 20th century. This economic depression left Germany in devastating conditions, people were desperate for it to be over. In the other hand, Hitler promised them everything they wanted to hear, so people vote for him.
What was the Holocaust?The Holocaust was a time of devastation and corruption. It was a time where the Nazis spoke against Jews, and blame them for all the problems, like from the defeat of World War I, or for the great Depression. It refers to the Nazis persecution of the Jewish.
Name forms of discrimination against the Jews?Jews had to wear a star on their arm, which was the Star of David.Jewish children were only allowed in Jewish schools and weren't allowed to play with other children that weren't Jewish. They were sent to ghettos and concentration camps simply because they weren't Germans.
Name 3 Axis Leaders and 3 Allied Leaders.Axis: Adolf Hitler (Germany), Benito Mussolini (Italy), Hirohito (Japan) Allied: Franklin Roosevelt (USA), Winston Churchill (UK), General Stalin (Russia)
Why did the leaders act with Fascism?They acted with fascism because for example, Hitler wanted to invade France even though that meant killing thousands of people, he got what he wanted, and he didn’t care what stood in his way.
