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QR Challenge: Semester Exam W. History

1. Specialize in non-agricultural occupations/rolesDivision of labor
2. What did the Neolithic Revolution create?Fertile Soil led to rise of the civilization
3. Hammurabi CodeSystem of laws
4. Tigris & Euphrates, Huang He River, Indus River, Nile River are locations of? Ancient Civilization
5. City-states prevented them from forming a? Common Language
6. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are examples of? Philosophers of ancient Greece
7. First city-state to practice democracy? Athens
8. What is the name of the war that occurred b/c Sparta disapproved of Athens taxing other city-states? Peloponnesian War
9. According to Confucius, who was the foundation of society? Family
10. Whats a similarity between Hindus and Buddhists? Reborn after death
11. Who held the most political power in the feudal system? Lords
12. What was the role of Catholic Church in Western Europe? Since of unity
13. Who was able to unit northern and southern india under his rule? Akbar the Great
14. Mongols could be described as? Nomadic
15. Martin Luther was dissatisfied with what?sale of indulgences
16. Renaissance began in? Florence, Italy
17. two thinkers that believed the Sun was the center of the universe? Galileo and Copernicus
18. Compass, Porcelain,& Gunpowder are inventions from? China
