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QR Challenge: Causes of the American Revolution

What was the main disputed resource in the French and Indian War?Land
What three countries were involved in the French and Indian War?England, France, Spain.
What was the name of the treaty that ended the French and Indian War?Treaty of Paris
Which country won the French and Indian War?England
What did the British government do to pay the cost of the French and Indian War?Taxing the colonies.
How did the colonists protest the taxes placed on British goods?Boycott
The King of England put a tax on all paper products bought by the colonists. What was this tax called?Stamp Act
The Townshend Acts put a tax on paper, paint, glass, and _________________.Tea
Were the Sons of Liberty classified as loyalists. patriots. or neutralists?Patriots
Some colonists were loyal to the king. They did not want an independent America. They wanted the colonies to remain under England’s control. These people were called ___________________.Loyalists
How many colonists were killed at the Boston Massacre?5
What were the set of laws put into place after the Boston Tea Party?Intolerable Acts/Coercive Acts
How many British colonies were there?13
The Coercive Acts put 3 laws into place. What were these three laws?1. Boston Port shut down. 2. Quartering soldiers. 3. No town meetings.
Get a 13 colonies map off the corner of Mr. Quinn's desk and label the 13 colonies.See map
