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QR Challenge: Atomic History/Periodic Table

Who provided a basis for ordering the periodic table according to the atomic number?HenryMosely
Who was the first scientist to come up with the atomic theory?John Dalton
What is used to calculate the average atomic mass of an element?Isotopes
What is the mass number of an oxygen atom that has 8 protons and 9 neutrons?17
What group of elements are considered to be unreactive?noble gases
How many valence electrons does group 1 contain?1
If the protons increase across the periodic table, what happens to the electrons?they increase
As the wavelength of a wave increases, what would happen to the frequency?decrease
How many neutrons does carbon contain?6
What is an isotope?atoms of the same element that have different mass numbers
What experiment was Rutherford credited with? gold foil experiment
Who was the scientist who had a model of fixed orbitals for electrons?bohr
Elements in the same groups have similar physical and properties?chemical
What is the name for an element in group 1?alkali metal
What happens to the atomic radius of an element as you move down a group?increases
What has to happen for an atom to be electrically neutral?it has the same number of protons and electrons
What is the average atomic mass for cesium with 75% 133, 20% 132,and 5% 134?132.85
How many electrons are in a Mg +2 ion?14
If you have 55 protons and 82 neutrons for Cesium, what is the mass number?137
What group would it be the most difficult to remove 1 electron?group 17
What is the density of Mercury if the volume is 2.9ml and the mass is 5g?1.72g/ml
If you have Hydrogen, Lithium, and Sodium, what are the two similarities among these elements?they have similar physical and chemical properties
