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QR Challenge: AP Art History Study guide

Imhotep was important because he:designed a tomb for King Djoser
The term used to describe a royal Egyptian male headdress is a:nemes
Stonehenge dates from this periodneolithic
The stylistic conventions of rigidly frontal symmetry, abnormally large eyes, and tightly clasped hands are most characteristic of the art, of:Sumerians
The Stele of Hammurabi is special because it features:the first detailed code of laws.
Pyramids were most popular during which Egyptian period? Old Kingdom
A tomb that resembles a truncated pyramid is called amastaba
Most Etruscan sculpture found was made of this materialterracotta
A standing nude figure of a young man is known in Greek art as what?Kouros
What TWO painting techniques would you use on a Greek amphora?Black on Red, Red on Black
When compared to the Classical style, Greek Hellenistic art could be characterized asmore dramatic, emotional and realistic
Who was the director of the sculptural programs on the ParthenonPhideas
A series of columns that encompasses the outside of a Greek temple was known as aperistyle
Which sculpture does the Augustus of Primaporta most closely imitateDoryphoros
What would be located in a forum and would house the law court for the city?basilica
An example of verism in portraits of the elderly would be?Bust of a Patrician
Where would an oculus be foundin a dome
What was the function of Coffering?helped lighten the weight of a dome or arch
Lintel 25 from Yaxchilán uses stylized forms to depict:A hallucinatory bloodletting ritual.
Stick Charts used by Pacific Islanders were used toRecord ocean swells
Muslims pray in the direction of :mecca
True or False:The prehistoric figurines that represent humans are almost all male.False
The stone Walls of Saqsa Waman at Cusco exemplify Inka architectural conventions in that they:consist of megalithic stone blocks joined without the use of mortar
True or False: Prehistoric artists wrote down their thoughts, feelings, and artistic process for later generations of artists and others to read.False
The sacred space in the temple is called ________________cella
The belief in the soul was know to the Egyptians as: ____________Ka
Early Christian Art depicts Jesus as__________________The Good Shepherd
Early Christian Churches were based on what Architectural plan? ____________Basilica
Byzantine art is known for utilizing what ______________________gold
What is the name of Islamic building where it is said that Muhammad ascended to heaven __________________________ Dome of the Rock
The Great Mosque of Djenne is unique in what way? _________largest mud brick structure in the world
The mihrab serves as a ___________marker for the direction of mecca
What is another word for doorway? ______________portal
When the Virgin Mary was visited by the Angel Gabriel _______________the annunciation
What does the Bayeux “Tapestry” Represent? __________________Battle of Hastings by William of the Conquerer
What other work from history is like the Bayeux “Tapestry”? _________column of Trajan
