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QR Challenge: History/Geo Quiz

d north of the Arabian Desert
d steel
3. What was the first religion of India?
d Priests, Pharaoh, Merchants/Artisans, Scribes, Slaves
5. What was the material used to make paper in Ancient Egypt?
6. Most of the pyramids were built during the…. Kingdom
7. Who was Aristotle?
d By providing unlimited contact with countries to the east and the west.
9. Legend says that the founders of Rome Romulus and Remus were raised by                .
d tools
11. A region of the Middle East that stretches in a large, crescent-shaped curve from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea.
12. Name one of the four types of government that Greece once had?
13. The Parthenon was a temple dedicated to which Greek god(dess)?
c Confucianism
15. The Silk Road was a trade route between                .
16. Why is the Rosetta Stone significant?
17. The system of levees and canals used to divert water to crops is called                .
18. People who move from place to place and have no permanent home are called
19. What is the Parthenon?
20. How does the Yellow River (Huang He) get its name?
21. Who did the Assyrians conquer?
22. Which of the following accomplishments did King Menes achieve?
c Unified both Uper and Lower Egypt into one kingdom
23. Thucydides was a greek historian who wrote about what?
24. Because of its flooding, what is the the Huang River was known as?
25. What is the oldest accepted Chinese dynasty?
c Gunpowder
28. In which region is Athens located?
29. Pyramids were built so Egyptians could...
30. What did archaeologists find to help them understand ancient Egypt better?
31. The first major civilization in Mesopotamia was?
32. A writer from ancient times is known as a what?
d The Sumerians were ditheistic
34. The constant cycle of life, death, and rebirth is called...
35. According to Hindu belief,                 is the force created by a person's good and bad deeds that affects his or her future life.
d Assyrian
d Women
