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QR Challenge: Year 4 Number Quiz

What value does the 7 have in the following number: 57234? 7000
Round 569 to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000? 570, 600, 1000
Partition the following number: 2396? 2000+300+90+6
What is the difference between these 2 numbers: 3724 and 6723? 2999
Use the inverse operation to check if the following sum is correct: 2439 + 4372 = 6801? Wrong 6811
What is 4.5 litres in millilitres? 4500 Millilitres
How many minutes in 3 and a half hours? 210 minutes
If Jonny has saved 275 marbles and Sammy has saved 315, how many more marbles does Jonny need before he has the same as Sammy? 40
What is this 270 x 3? 810
Dan collects 264 stickers each week, how many stickers does he collect in 4 weeks? 1056
Divide 250 by 5 50
What do you call an angle that is 95 degrees? Obtuse
How many degrees in a straight line? 180
Name 2 quadrilaterals which have opposite angles which are the same: Parallelogram and Rhombus
What type of shape has identical length sides and identical internal angles? Regular shape
What is 160 + 46 + 25 ? 231
Calculate 1500 - 195 - 45 1260
What are the internal angles of a triangle? 180
Multiply 234 by 142 33,228
Name the 4 types of triangle: Equilateral, Right angled, Isoceles, scalene.
