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QR Challenge: Age of Revolutions

How many colonies did britain have in America in 1776 13
What is Constitutional Monarchy King shared power with parliament
What is the divine right of Kings Kings picked by God to rule
What were the Navigation Acts America only allowed sell tobacco to Britain and buy sugar from west indies
What was the Enlightenment Questioning of traditional ideals
What act made Americans pay cost of keeping British soldiers Quartering act
What act put a tax on all legal documents Stamp Act
Explain "No taxation without representation" no tax paid until they have real say in parliament
What was the event called when British soldiers fired on americans Boston Massacre
What was Boston Tea Party Sons of liberty dumped tea into boston harbour
Where were the first shots fired in American revolution Lexington and concord
Who became leader of Continental army at 2nd Continental Congress Washington
Why did America win revolution Guerilla tactics, French help.
who were the "lobsterbacks" british army
Who invented Seed drill Jethro Tull
What did Cyrus Mccormick invent Mechanical reaper.
What was Enclosure fencing off of fields
Explain Selective breeding choosing best animals to breed for better wool,milk,meat.
Who invented Flying shuttle John Kay
Who invented the Spinning Jenny James Hargreaves
What did Richard Arkwright invent Water frame
What did Samuel Crompton invent Mule
Who invented the Davy lamp Humphrey Davy
Who invented puddling and rolling Henry Cort
What did James Watt invent Rotary steam engine.
What are Turnpike trusts organisations set up to improve roads
What two problems faced people in industrial towns Overcrowding and disease
Name two jobs in textile factories Piercers and scavengers
Name three jobs in mines Hewers, Hurriers, trappers
What did the Luddites do Break up machines
What are cottiers Labourers
Explain black '47 worst year of famine 1847
