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QR Challenge: Renaissance Treasure Hunt

During the Middle Ages, European society was organised into a system called...Feudalism
Complete the feudal hierarchy pyramidCrown, Barons/bishops,Knights, Commoners.
True or False: The church was a very large landowner and very important to people's practical and spiritual lives.True
In exchange for use of the land, what did peasants have to give the nobles?a portion of what they produced.They were also required to build roads, clear forests.
Peasants who were not allowed to leave the manor without permission and were at the bottom of the hierarchy were called what?Serfs
What was generally at the center of medieval towns?Castle, palace or monastry
How could serfs gain freedom?running away and staying in town for a year and a day without being discovered.
What controlled the price of goods, set standards of quality, and decided who would be admitted into learning new trades?Guilds
Once you have spent years of training and working within a trade, you could take a test to become what?A Journeymen - you could then be admitted into the guilds.
In 1337 'The hundred Year War' broke out between France and England. How did the Peasants respond?Revolted over high taxes and rents they had to pay to finance the war.
What was the result of the Black Death on the feudal system?Labour Shortages & Manors went bankrupt. cont answer p. 26
How did people tell time in the Middle Ages?By the sun, except for the church when they needed to know when to pray.
When did people become more dependent on clocks?when they started to own businesses and the town needed to keep people on worship schedule.
With the rise of towns and wealth, people became more concerned with money and material possessions rather than land. True or False?True
Explain Sumptuary Lawscontrolled consumption or how people spent their money.
What is a tithe?members of the church had to pay priests a portion of their crops or earnings.
True or False: No new cathedrals were built during the middle ages.False. More than 1500 were built in France alone.
Men and women who were devoted to the church became......Monks and Nuns
True or False: Monks and Nuns were not well educated.False. Monasteries were great learning centers during the M.A
When Universities popped up around religious schools, what did they start to teach? Grammar, geometry, astronomy, and music.
True or False: The Black Death made people believe in god even stronger that before?False. They felt that God had abandoned them.
Why did people become skeptical of the Church?Church was wealthy, clergy became 'fancy' and rich- more interested in luxury than religion.
What does Renaissance mean?rebirth
What were two outcomes of the crusades?Contact with the Muslims and trade
What goods did crusaders bring back to Europespices,fruit, silk, satin, muslin.
How did increased trade lead to powerful city-states in Italy?Geography, climate, Leadership and Social Organisation.
Which ideas from classical times helped to form the Renaissance humanist worldview?classical writings: ancient writings about politics, society and history, The importance of the individual.
Outline the four principals that humanists believed inpower of reason, open curious mind, learning, multi-skilled.
Describe civic humanismbelieved that being a responsible citizen meant educating yourself about history and politics.
How did art change during the Renaissance?religious themes- to the individual and landscapes.
Describe the scientific methodThe process of making observations and drawing conclusions based on evidence.
How did the printing press change during the Renaissance?Printing press was developed and you could print thousands of books cheaply and quickly.
