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QR Challenge: History/Geo Quiz 3

1. Which statement does NOT describe the location of Mesopotamia? the Fertile Crescent b. along the Nile River c. along the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers d. north of the Arabian Desert
2. One factor that contributed to the success of the Assyrian army was its weapons made of a. bronze b. gold c. iron d. steel
3. What was the first religion of India?
4. Which of these is the CORRECT order of Egyptian society from highest to lowest class? a. Pharaoh, Priests, Scribes, Merchants/Artisans, Slaves b. Pharaoh, Priests, Merchants/Artisans, Scribes, Slaves c.Pharaoh, Scribes, Merchants/Artisans, Priests, Slaves d.Priests, Pharaoh, Merchants/Artisans, Scribes, Slaves
5. What was the material used to make paper in Ancient Egypt?
6. Most of the pyramids were built during theā€¦. Kingdom
7. Who was Aristotle?
8. How did India's mountains and surrounding water influence its development? a. By providing contact with Asian lands. b. By encouraging invasions by other civilizations. c.By limiting contact between the subcontinent and the world. d. By providing unlimited contact with countries to the east and the west.
9. Legend says that the founders of Rome Romulus and Remus were raised by .
10. Which of the following developed after the Paleolithic Age?a.language b. farming c. art d. tools
11. A region of the Middle East that stretches in a large, crescent-shaped curve from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea.
12. Name one of the four types of government that Greece once had?
13. The Parthenon was a temple dedicated to which Greek god(dess)?
14. The Silk Road was a trade route between .
15. Why is the Rosetta Stone significant?
16. The system of levees and canals used to divert water to crops is called .
17. People who move from place to place and have no permanent home are called
18. What is the Parthenon?
19. How does the Yellow River (Huang He) get its name?
20. Who did the Assyrians conquer?
21. Which of the following accomplishments did King Menes achieve? a. To commission the building of the Great Pyramids at Giza b. Changed the religion from Monotheism to Polytheis c. Unified both Uper and Lower Egypt into one kingdom
22. Because of its flooding, what is the the Huang River was known as?
23. What is the oldest accepted Chinese dynasty?
24. How long did the Han Dynasty last?
25. Which of the following was NOT a contribution of Ancient China? a. Corn b. Paper c. Gunpowder
26. In which region is Athens located?
27. Pyramids were built so Egyptians could...
28. What did archaeologists find to help them understand ancient Egypt better?
29. The first major civilization in Mesopotamia was?
30. A writer from ancient times is known as a what?
31. Based on this sentence, which of the following is true? a. The Sumerians were monotheistic. b. The Sumerians were polytheistic c. The Sumerians were agnostic. d. The Sumerians were ditheistic
32. The constant cycle of life, death, and rebirth is called...
33. According to Hindu belief, is the force created by a person's good and bad deeds that affects his or her future life.
34. Which of the following empires was known for being fierce and using iron weapons?a. Chaldean,b. Babylonian c. Akkadian d. Assyrian
35. Which of the following social classes made up the largest population of Mesopotamia but also had the fewest rights? a. Slaves b. Fishermen c. Scribe d. Women
36. Which country is Paris the capital of?
37. What is the capital of Australia?
38. What is the capital of Germany?
39. Which country is Washington DC the capital of?
40. Which country is Madrid the capital of?
41. What is the capital of Cuba?
42. What is the capital of New Zealand?
43. What is the capital of Thailand?
44. Which country is Cairo the capital of?
45. What is the capital of England?
46. What is the national capital city of Canada?
47. What is the capital of Mexico?
48. Which country is Tokyo the capital of?
49. Which country is Lisbon the capital of?
50. What is the capital of Morocco?
51. What planet is nearest to the Earth?
52. What is the name of the active volcano in Sicily?
53. What are the two longest rivers in the world?
54. In which country would you find the pyramids?
55. Did the Stone Age happen before the Bronze Age?
56. Is the South Pole warmer than the North Pole?
57. In which State of America would you find Las Vegas?
58. What does the Richter scale measure?
59. Which country is the second biggest in the world?
60. Does the Earth revolve around the Sun or does the Sun revolve around the Earth?
61. Where is the biggest railway station in the world?
62. Which continent is Mount Kilimanjaro located on?
63. What is the name of the river that runs through the Grand Canyon?
64. What is the largest country in Scandinavia?
65. What are the names of the five oceans of the world?
66. Greece located on the continent of Europe or Asia?
67. Can you unscramble the following word to reveal the name of a large mountain range: LAPS
68. True or false: when an earthquake occurs, the ground suddenly starts to shake?
Mexico and Greenland, b) Mexico and Canada, c) Greenland and Canada?
70. Can you name five of the seven continents of the world?
71. What is the hottest continent on Earth?
72. Which country is Canberra the capital city of: New Zealand, Australia or Fiji?
Avalanche, b) Snow Flurry, c) Blizzard?
74. Which of the following is not a type of fossil fuel: Sand, Coal, Oil?
75. Where do stalactites and stalagmites form?
76. Can you unscramble the following word to reveal a huge storm with high winds: RCIRNEAHU
77. 1The following names make up the world's what: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and Arctic?
78. Which of the following is not a country: Finland, Morocco, Cairo?
79. What are the Ganges, Mississippi, Thames, Seine and Volga are all types of?
80. Which ocean is situated to the west of North and South America?
81. Can you unscramble the following words to make 3 Asian countries: PAJNA, NRIA, ADINI?
82. What type of climate best describes the Arctic Tundra: a) Cold and windy, b) Hot and sunny, c) Mild and dry?
83. What type of natural disaster can be described as a series of long, high sea waves caused by an earthquake?
84. The River Seine flows through which European capital city: a) Madrid, b) London, c) Paris?
85. Which layer of planet Earth is made up of tectonic plates: a) Inner Core, b) Outer Core, c) Mantle, d) Crust?
86. Convection, Frontal and Relief are the three main types of: a) Clouds, b) Rainfall, c) Winds?
87. True or false: Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the entire world?
88. Which two continents does Russia belong to?
89. Which of the following is not associated with a volcano: a) Lava, b) Richter scale, c) Vent?
90. What type of biome is the Sahara: a) Desert, b) Rainforest, c) Tundra?
91. Which country has the largest population in the world: a) India, b) United States, c) China?
92. What is the name of the world's biggest coral reef: a) Amazon Reef, b) Great Barrier Reef, c) Apo Reef?
93. Which device measures the speed of wind: a) Hygrometer, b) Barometer, c) Anemometer?
94. Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic are the three basic types of what?
95. Can you unscramble the following word to reveal a formation of ice found in Antarctica and Greenland: CREILAG?
96. Seven African countries begin with the letter M, can you find and name all seven countries?
97. Which major oceans surround the continent of Africa?
98. Can you unscramble the following word to reveal the biggest country In Africa: ARIEAGL?
99. What is the capital city of Senegal?
100. Which country is located at the southernmost point of the African continent?
101. Which major river flows through several African countries including Egypt?
102. Addis Ababa is the capital city of which African country?
103. Can you unscramble the following word to reveal the biggest desert in Africa: AAAHSR?
104. Which African countries are bordered by Egypt?
105. Which lake occurs largely in Tanzania and Uganda and is bordered by Kenya?
106. Which country is located between Sierra Leone and Cote D'Ivore?
107. Which ocean surrounds Madagascar?
108. Which West African country does the River Niger start in?
109. Which country is landlocked by (Democratic Republic) D.R. of the Congo, Central African Republic, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda?
110. Can you unscramble the following word to reveal a country located on the southeast coast of Africa: BQEMZMIUOA?
111. Which desert occurs between the Nile River and the Red Sea?
112. Which two countries share a border with both Benin and Ghana?
113. Nouakchott is the capital city of which African country?
114. Which country is located between Algerian and Egypt?
115. How many African countries begin with the letter Z?
