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QR Challenge: 11th World History Fall Final Review

1. The most honored teacher in China's history. Confucious
2. Greek military commander threatened India with his armies in 326 BC. Alexander the Great
3. Term in Buddhist teaching that denotes the state of absolute peace and happiness where one loses himself into nothingness. nirvana
4. What ruler of Japan made Buddhism the country's favored national religion? Prince Shotoku
5. What Syrian Christian was responsible for Aksum's becoming nominally Christian? Frumentius
6. What African language contains influences from Arabic, Persian, and Indian. Swahili
7. What term denotes the physical features of a land. topography
8. The seed of the _____________ refers to those who are loyal to God through salvation. woman
9. ___________ sources are usually produced by people involved in the events being studied. Primary
10. ___________ fathered a line of people who "call[ed] upon the name of the Lord," and he was a replacement for Abel. Seth
11. Noah placed a curse on Canaan, a son of ____________. Ham
12. Historical _____________ is the practice of gathering useful information and weaving it together into a narrative of the past. synthesis
13. ___________________ united the land of Mesopotamia and is remembered for his code of laws. Hammurabi
14. ________________ established the first known empire. Sargon
15. Egypt became a great power in the Old, Middle or New Kingdom. New
16. Khufu built the Great Pyramid at Giza in the Old, Middle, or New Kingdom. Old
17. Egyptian pharaohs directed their attention to public projects in the Old, Middle, or New Kingdom. Middle
18. Moses probably led the Israelites out of Egypt during the reign of _________________. Thutmose III
19. The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for __________ years before entering the land of Caanan. forty
20. Jerusalem was destroyed, and many Jews were taen as captives to Babylon in _________ BC. 586
21. Around 2000 BC the ___________ began to settle in Asia Minor. Hittites
22. The Hittite Army was led by a ___________. king
23. Abraham traveled from ___________ and became the founder of the nation of Israel. Ur
24. _________________ destroyed Jerusalem and carried the Jews into exile for seventy years. Nebuchadenezzar
25. Seljuk Turks annihilated the Byzantine army at the Battle of ________________. Manzikert
26. Cyril and Methodius were missionaries to the _______________. Russians
27. Damascus was the capital of the ______________ caliphate. Umayyad
28. The ___________ stopped Muslim advancement into Europe at the Battle of Tours. Franks
29. Arabs are descendants of ______________. Ishmael
30. Mansa Musa was the most famous ruler of _____________. Mali
31. According to legend _____________________ was the founder of Taoism. Lao-tzu
32. ____________________ founded the first strong empire of India in the fourth century AD. Chandragupta Maurya
33. _____________________ was known as Buddha, or the "Enlightened One." Siddhartha Gautama
34. Akbar was a member of the ___________________ dynasty. Mughal
35. Early Christians used the term _________________ to describe the church's universal nature. catholic
36. _____________________ persuaded Atilla the Hun to spare the city of Rome in 452. Leo I
37. The term pope was initially used to praise the actions of ______________. Leo I
38. The Petrine theory was used to enhance the position of the bishops of ______________. Rome
39. The _____________________ Church defines a sacrament as an act that grants grace by its very performance, based on the recipient's intentions. Roman Catholic
40. According to the Roman Catholic Church, __________________ is both a sacrament and a sacrifice. Holy Eucharist
