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QR Challenge: OCR 21st Century Science: B1 Revision

1. What is the part of a cell where DNA is found?The nucleus
2. Which human cells only contain 23 chromosomes?The human sex cells
3. Which of these female cells contains only one X chromosome? skin cell / liver cell / egg cell / nerve cellEgg cell
4. Is cloning humans legal or illegal in Europe?Illegal
5. What are the different forms of the same gene called?Alleles
6. Name one symptom of cyctic fibrosisThick mucus etc.
7. What is the name given to an allele that is hidden or covered up by another one?Recessive
8. Are clones produced by sexual or asexual reproduction?Asexual reproduction
9. If a person with the alleles Rr is crossed with another with the alleles RR, which of these will not be produced? RR / Rr / rrrr
10. What is an everyday word for 'human offspring'?Baby
11. Would a person with two X chromosomes be male or female?Female
12. Is a person's height an example of genetic variation, environmental variation or both?Both
13. Cystic fibrosis is a recessive gene. If two cystic fibrosis carriers (Cc) decide to have children, what is the % chance of having a child with cystic fibrosis? 25% / 50% / 75%25%
14. What is the biological word when a male and female sex cell join together?Fertilisation
15. What does DNA stand for?Deoxyribonucleic acid
16. Give another word for a physical characteristic. For example, eye colour or nose shapePhenotype
17. Another name for unspecialised cells, which have the ability to become any other cellStem cells
18. What is the genetic term for two alleles which are the same?Homozygous
19. Name a body part made of a structural proteinBones, Ears, Tendons, Hair, Nails, Muscle.
20. What is the genetic term for two alleles which are different?Heterozygous
21. What is the name given to controversial issues that surround life, death or societies views on them?Ethical issues
22. If 'B' is the allele for black hair and 'b' is the allele for brown hair, what colour hair would a person with 'bb' have?Brown
23. Which of these allele pairs would NOT cause Huntington's disease? HH / Hh / hhhh
24. Put these in the correct order of development: Embryo / Fetus / ZygoteZygote / Embryo / Zygote
25. What are the two main groups of proteins?Functional and structural
26. What do genes instruct cells to make?Proteins
27. What was the name of the world's first cloned animal?Dolly the sheep
28. How many chromosomes does a human sperm cell contain?23
