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QR Challenge: Compute With Mult-Digit Numbers

17.3 + 6.824.1
Greyson made lunches for his family. He gave his son 25.7oz. of grains. He gave his daughter 13.4oz. of fruit. How many oz of food did Greyson pack in all?39.1oz
Ralph had 18.18 pieces of candy. He decided to give 9.2 to his Gram-Gram and 8.3 to his Cous-Cous. How much candy does Ralph have left.?.68
5.6 X 6.55 (round to the nearest whole number)42
5.56 X 5.66 (round to the nearest whole number)36
Mark wanted to buy 2 items but he wanted to round to the whole number. If the first item is $5.65 and the second is $6.65. How much is the product rounded to the nearest whole number.$42
Joe wanted to buy a all America doll.It was 5.00 and he had 5.77.How much money was left2.52
Jim was multiplying a math problem,7.56x5.3.He had to round to the whole number.He got the answer of 35.Is it right or wrong.If it is wrong Why?What should be the answerIt is wrong because he rounded the 7.56 to 7 instead of 8.The answer should be 40
.38 X 93.42
.32 X 31.14
Billy had 7 friends. He wanted to give them all $4.35. How much money will Billy lose?$30.45
Kayla had 12 X 14.30 cupcakes. How many cupcakes does she have?161.60
6.3 X 6.138.43
4.5 X 7.232.40
Kallie has $12.36. She wants to find out what 6.3 X 12.36 equals. How much money would she have?77.57
Amey has been traveling for 3.35 hours.He has been going at 54mph .How far has amey traveled180.9
Maddies library has 64 shelves and 1152 books .If the books are shelved evenly,how many books are on one shelf?65
St.Luis earned 62.3 inches of snow last January. About how many inches did they get a day?2
Lindsey has 14 cows. She gave them to 4 friends. How many cows are left over?2
7.3 - 3.83.5
