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QR Challenge: World History Midterm Scavenger Hunt

How did the Mandate of Heaven affect government in China?answer dynastic cycle
Around what did Confucius organize society?answer2 Relationships
Which belief of the prophet Zoroaster was similar to later concepts in Christianity and Islam?answer3 Monotheism
What belief do Hinduism and Buddhism share?answer4 Reincarnation
This allowed for no social mobility in India.answer5 Caste System
Which empire did Chandragupta start?answer6 Maurya
What are the oldest written laws from ancient Babylon called?answer7 Hammurabi's Code
Which cultures are represented in the blend of Hellenistic culture?answer8 Greek, Persian, Egyptian, Indian
Which city-states fought in the Peloponnesian War?answer9 Athens and Sparta
What was a phalanx?answer10 Greek Military Formation
Who were the major power struggles in the early Roman republic between?answer11 Patricians and Plebians
Ancient Rome's written laws.answer12 Twelve Tables
Why was the Roman Empire divided?answer13 To make governing more efficient
The Eastern Roman Empire became known as what?answer14 Byzantine Empire
What is the Great Schism?answer15 Formal divide between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches
What is the major difference between the Sunni and Shiite?answer16 Who will lead
What does Tsar mean?answer17 Caesar
What are the Five Pillars of Islam?answer18 Prayer, Faith, Fasting, Pilgrimage, Charity
What was Charlemagne’s empire called?answer19 Holy Roman Empire
Charlemagne’s empire helped to spread which faith?answer20 Christianity
Why did Feudalism become widespread?answer21 The need for protection from invaders
What was the result of The Magna Carta?answer22 Checked the king's power
Who was the 100 Years War fought between?answer23 England and France
Why were Martin Luther’s ideas able to spread so quickly?answer24 Printing Press
What is Machiavelli's book to leaders?answer25 The Prince
What was the purpose of the Counter Reformation?answer26 Keep people from leaving the Church
Why did Henry VIII leave the Catholic Church?answer27 He wanted an heir
What were the three responsibilities of the Jesuits?answer28 Stop Protestantism, Spread Catholicism, Open schools
What does “vernacular” mean?answer29 Spoken language
