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QR Challenge: Math Trivia

How many sides does a hexagon have?8
What do you call a triangle with 3 unequal sides?scalene
Name a quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel lines.trapezoid
What is the name for (0,0) on a coordinate graph?origin
Name the steps in the algebraic order of operations.parentheses,exponents,multiplication,division,addition,subtraction
What do we call a four-sided polygon?a quadrilateral
How many sides does an octagon have?eight
What is the name for a triangle with 3 equal sides?equilateral
What do we call two lines that cross each to form right angles?perpendicular
Two lines that never cross each other are called __________lines.parallel
What is the answer to a multiplication problem?product
In a division problem, what do we call the number being divided?the dividend
What do we call the numbers being added together in an addition problem?addends
When you multiply by 0.1, 0.01 or 0.001, does the product get larger or smaller?smaller
When you divide by 0.1, 0.01, or 0.001, does the quotient get larger or smaller?larger
How many cups are in a gallon?16 cups
How many inches are in a yard?36 inches
How many feet are in a mile?5,280 feet
What is the formula to calculate volume?length x width x height
What is the formula to calculate volume?length x width
What do you call a letter that represents an unknown number?variable
How many surfaces does a cube have?six
What do you call a fraction where the numerator is larger that the denominator?improper
What do we call the distance around a figure?perimeter
What do we call a fraction with a numerator of 1?unit fraction
What do we call an angle whose measure is greater that 90 degrees?obtuse
