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QR Challenge: CLIL English - Maths 6E 5D June 19

1. Calculate and say in English 2 x (8 x 7 + 4)
2. Calculate and say in English 2.4 + 5.2 + 3.6 + 4.8
3. Calculate and say in English (2.5 + 125 : 10) : 5
4. How much is 2/7 of 140 m ?
5. 547 km – 243, 000 m
6. Calculate the perimeter of a rectangle whose lenghth is 7 cm and width is 5.2 cm
7. Calculate this sum :   39 + triple 15
8. Can you divide 1,848 by 9 ?
9. Calculate 470/100 – 25/10
10. If 3 pairs of socks cost $ 10.50, how much is one pair ?
11. It takes 20 minutes to drive 40 miles. What distance does he drive in 1 hour ?
12. What is the name of a quadrilateral with 4 sides of equal lengths ?
13.What is the name of a triangle with 3 sides of equal lengths ?
14. Tony bought lolly pops for his friends. Each lollypop costs 50 pence. How much will he spend if he buys 8 lollypops ?
15. An activity with 50 words is twice more difficult than an activity with 25 words.TRUE ? FALSE ?
16. Mike is 10, his brother Ted is 8. When Mike is 30, how old will Ted be ?
17. My roast beef weighs 500 grammes and I usually cook it for 12 minutes. Jane's roastbeef weighs 1 kilogramme and 25 grammes ; how long will she cook it ?
18. LADYBIRD : what fraction of the word does the letter D represent  ?
19. How much free washing powder do you get ?
20. What is the fraction of the area coloured in the disk ?
21. There are 2 axial symmetries on the road sign. TRUE or FALSE ?
